Chapter 12: Who are you?

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Watching Seongwoo sleeping is sometimes your hobby, why? It was just fun watching him sleeping, he mumbles something in his sleeps, he also made weird facial expressions sometimes. You decide to disturb him by poking his cheek.

“I guess noona hates me now”, Daniel mumble to himself, you look at him and stared at him before shifting back your gaze to a scrunch-looking-Seongwoo.

You continued to poke his nose.

“noonaaa....”, you heard him mumble which made you giggle, but hearing the next word made you flustered. “I love you”. You became hesitant to disturb him even more, so you put your hands back down and looked away with a blush on your face.

“ haven't answered my question, Niel... aren't you hungry?”.

“noona~ I did tell you my answer”, he smiled. Your lips went agape, “you did? What was your answer though?”. He chuckled, “I'm hungry”.

“there's a cafeteria at the first floor, you should go there with Ong, he might be hungry too”, you smiled at him. Daniel then nodded his head, “okay, but what about you, noona?”.

“I'm okay”.

“I don't believe you noona... i'm gonna buy you something to food taste like medicine after all”, he went to Seongwoo's sleeping figure whom had his head on your bed with his face facing yours. He poked Seongwoo's waist making him jolt up and in a fighting stance immediately.

“who did that?”, he made a menacing look but it still looks funny on him.

“noona wants us to eat, let's go to the cafeteria”.

“oh? Okay!”, he then looked at you with a grin, “you are coming with us”, he grabbed your arm and pulled you up to him, close to his face with his other arm around your waist, “let's go”. You blushed beet red, and pushed him away, “not too close..”.

He chuckled lowly, “then I will get even closer”.

“Seongwoo-hyung, stop it”, Daniel looked at him with annoyance clearly drawn on his face. Seongwoo finally let go of you, you walked with them to the elevator while holding the IV stand  which filled with blood that connects with your hand.

The three of you went down to the first floor.

The nurses were looking at the two boys next to you and were whispering with each other while giggling. “geez, the nurse here are giving you guys ogly eyes”, you muttered, “you realized that right?”.

Seongwoo smirked and nodded, “of course I realize that, I must've been a very good looking person”, he wiggled his eyebrows at you as you stared at him with a blank facade. “you know what? I believe I do not know a guy name Ong Seongwoo..who the hell are you?”, your eyes twitched in annoyance.

While Daniel was holding in his laughter, Seongwoo was shocked, “noona....don't say that..”.

“nuguseyo?(who)”, you stared at him with a blank face.

He stared before sighing loudly, “noona must've been really jealous, that's why”.

“okay I'm leaving”, you walked further away with Daniel quickening his pace so he could keep up with you. Seongwoo was grinning, he was excited to see how jealous you were.

“noona~ don't be like that”, he grabbed your arm with a sweet smile on his face. “then stop fawning over your looks Ong-ah, even if the girls like's just cheap”, you rolled your eyes in annoyance.

“waw...noona is really annoyed and angry.... I like it”, Daniel smirked and smiling down at you. You look up at him, “what's so good about me being angry and annoyed anyway?”. “sexy~”, he thumbsup. Your jaw dropped, “what do you mean sexy? Angry is supposed to be scary, damn it, I'm gonna lose my mind”.

“noona, you should just seat down, me and Daniel will buy food and probably beverages”, Seongwoo pushed you gently to the chair with a table before leaving you there. The table was made of glass, very classy you thought.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now