Chapter 19: Crazy

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The next day, you woke up, stretching your arms above your head, spotting Daniel on your right side and Seongwoo on your left side, you blushed brightly, 'they didn't do anything to me, did they?'. You looked at yourself and saw that you were still wearing your clothes last night, 'thank god!'.

You turned around fully to face them after crossing your leg.





“hm?”, Daniel was the first one to wake up, he looked at you and quickly sat up with a bright smile, “good morning, (name)-ah, did you sleep well last night?”. You made a disbelieved face, “so now you're neglecting the noona again? Ne~ good morning to you too Niel and yes I slept well, now help me wake this sleepy head while I make breakfast”, you got up but got pulled down by Daniel.

He smirked and plant a sweet kiss on your cheek, before releasing you.

“gr...brush your teeth Niel!”, you glared at him before quickening your pace to the kitchen with a bright pink face.

“ahhh... why is he doing this to me first thing in the morning!”, you groaned to yourself before cutting the carrots with an obvious annoyed look on your face, “I'm gonna make sure to fill those boys with all the veggies I have”, you nodded to yourself before taking out another vegetable from the fridge.

After cooking pasta with all the veggies you made, it ended with a marvelous smell and taste, you plated  in three plates before calling out to them, “Ong-ah! Niel! Breakfast is ready!”.

You heard a loud thud and footsteps before the two boys came rushing while pushing each other.

“yah! You're gonna break something-”.



And that was how you started your morning.

Today your schedule was free, just like yesterday, so you decide to stay at the library, studying with your friends whom were drinking in the early day yesterday. “did you see that guy yesterday, he was ogling his eyes at me, I bet he wants me”, Yoora giggled.

“are you sure he was looking at you? Not the meat? I'm sure he was eyeing the meat”, Min-ah scoffed before shaking her head, “and just so you know, we're behind schedule already, you better stop talking”. Yoora rolled her eyes before she smirked, “good luck (name)-ah”.

You look up from your book and blinked you eyes, “for what?”.

“look behind you”, Juhyun replied as she shifted her gaze from you to the person heading towards you, “I guess today is sunbae”.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now