Chapter 10: Game

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“! Noona! Where are you?”.


“wha-? (name)-sshi?!”.

That evening you were admitted to the nearest hospital, where you were staying for a few days due to very high blood pressure.


The sound of beeping noise reached your ears and the scent of liquid injections lingered your nose, you slowly opened your eyes but close them back to adjust to the brightness. You spotted three figures standing next to your bed, “am the hospital?”.

“noona! You're awake! Hyung call the doctor please”, Daniel told Euijin who quickly ran out the door.

“noona...what happened?”, the other male in the room by your bed squeezed your hand in his. You blinked your eyes at him, “what do you mean?”.

“me and Seongwoo-hyung decide to go and search for you at the back of the library, we saw Euijin-hyung at the front of the building waiting, we asked him and he said you were at the toilet, then Seongwoo-hyung here heard voices behind the building and when he checked it out, we saw you lying on the ground with sweats on your face and your body was cold...we freaked out so we quickly head to the hospital”, Daniel explained to you while you listened to him eagerly.

“did I miss out my studies!?”, your eyes widened in shock.


Then the door burst opened, revealing a doctor, a nurse and Euijin.

“excuse me could you please leave the room for a while, we need to talk regarding about her condition”, the doctor said as his eyes scan through the paperworks about your chart.

So the three of them left the room.

“did you guys call her parents already?”, Euijin looked at Seongwoo and Daniel for answers. Daniel looked away with a serious look on his face. Seongwoo closed his eyes, “noona's parents aren't here anymore”. “what do you-.......oh...what happened?..”, his voice turned sorrow.

“a year ago, noona's parents passed away from the same disease, Cardiovascular disease, noona's eomma was from her appa while noona's appa was from genetic that was brought for centuries already.... noona's dongsaeng, Jimin has clear blood and I think noona told us that she too was unaffected, so it was fine”, Daniel shifted his gaze from the door to Euijin.

“where's her dongsaeng now?”, he continue to pursue answers from Daniel.

He shrugged his shoulders, “noona said that he had a scholar to United Kingdom, so he's staying there I guess”. Euijin then facepalmed, “so none of her families are here”.

“hyung you are forgetting us, don't you? We're like noona's family but fell in love with her”, Seongwoo proudly replied with a smirk on his face.

Euijin stared at Seongwoo before scoffing, “I knew it...I was right, you guys do have feelings for her”.

“if you knew then why are you bothering us?”, Daniel narrowed his eyes at him. “I like her.. that's why I'm taking her away from you two”, he simply replied, “ you guys wanna play a game?”.

“kkeol!”, Seongwoo agreed without hearing what the game was.

“rules, simple....which one of us won her heart, he wins”, he smiled.

“that's easy”.

“really? I heard you guys knew her 3 years already and didn't even get the chance to tell her you like her...I wonder how easy will it be”, he smirked and laughed, “anyway....what's taking the doctor so long”, he frowned.

Seongwoo tried to peek through the door but the door was slid open and he came rolling on the ground as he end himself with a derp smile, “I did not just roll”. You giggled and shook your head in disbelief, “you did Ong-ah”.

The doctor was in a disbelief state before he walked out of the room along with the nurse.

“so noona? What did the doctor said?”, Daniel scoot closer to the patient bed and he checked the beeping monitor that linked the wire with your arm. You smiled up at him, “what do you think?”.

He hummed for a while before looking at you, “you're adorable”.

You laughed out loud, “mwo ya?”, you pinched his arm that was close to you in annoyance, “he said I'm able to go out by two days, the doctor said I had a fever”. “are you sure? Fever aren't really serious but why do you have to stay in the hospital?”, Euijin walked closer to your bed.

Seongwoo finally stood up and went straight to your bed, staring at you.

You shrugged your shoulders, “he said he wants me to have a regular check-up, so my fever won't spread to anyone else I guess”, you smiled.

He nodded his head before he leaned closer and kissed your forehead, “I'll go copy revisions from your classmates, okay? See ya~ and stay healthy”, he winked at you before leaving you red from your head to toe.

“yah!”, you blushed. Little did you know both Daniel and Seongwoo were glaring daggers at Euijin.

You shut your eyes and heaved out an annoyed sigh, “that sunbae-nim..”.

[Miru's note:~ honestly my latest chapter in this story.... I kinda had a writer's block😣😣😣 I had no idea what to do, plus inspiration is not overflowing as usual so yeah, problem will be solve as long as I read other fanfics or watch drama or anything huuuuhh]

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