Chapter 25: Jungha

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[Miru's note:~ hey readers..... I want your opinion..... should I end this story in like.....30 something chapters??? I mean like 36-38 probably? Should I?? a.s.a.p please okay???love you guys for reading my shitty story btw ❤💖💖]

You went straight to the cyber cafe, with them following you from behind. You paid for your seat from  the counter, then you looked at the other two boys, "how much do you guys plan on buying(meaning how many hours)?". "did you just pay for yourself?", Seongwoo facepalmed, "ani gu....we asked you here, we're the one paying for you".

"how about this, if you won a game after me, I'd let you buy me next time", you squinted your eyes while smirking at them.

"it sounds like a reverse prize though", Daniel scratched the back of his head, "seriously...sometimes you're really complicated". You shrugged your shoulders, "can't help it~ I'm a girl after all...girls are complicated to begin with".

"wait how about this, if we won you over...let's say...three games, we're allowed to stay at your apartment for a week?", Seongwoo wiggled his eyebrow in a demanding way with a playful smirk drawn on his lips. Hearing his words made you furrowed your brows, "win or lose, you still stayed at my apartment anyway, so I don't see any harm, I'll just go choose which game should we compete...p.s it's one vs one, no cheating", you winked lastly before you walked away.

You peeked through the row of seats but your favourite seat was taken by a guy who was just seating there, playing his phone. You kicked the chair, "piss off dude, that's my place". "o?  Mianhae", he bowed his head and stood up from his seat but then he stared at you, "for a cute girl, you're rude", you heard him muttered, so you sent him a glare, "shut up".

"hei, I was actually waiting for a partner to play with, do you mind compete with me? It's Clash Royale", he raised an eyebrow at you.

'a good-looking guy BUT a goofball at the same time', you rolled your eyes before smirking, "game on".

"assa!", he took the seat across from you as he quickly logged in into his account while you logged into your account after clicking the Clash Royale app.

"noona? You're playing already?", you heard Seongwoo's voice.

"yeah, sorry but could you wait for a few minutes, it won't take that long", you talked as you typed at the keyboard with your delicate finger fastly.

Daniel read through the screen, "JunghaGram? Who's that?", he turned his head to look at you. You ushered to the guy seating across from you at the other side, "it's that guy, he said he wants to compete with me, since he said I was rude", you then smirked, "let's prove 'em I'm great shall we?", you cracked your knuckles before you clicked the start button and quickly the game started, online, as usual.

You sent soldiers to one side while protecting your castle with barriers, you also send dragons to the opponents castle, though your opponent didn't back down that easily, he kept on attacking your soldiers and you were slightly amused, "but you're gonna lose", you smirked as his right castle was destroyed, making your soldiers head to the main castle, you swiftly send troops there and BAM your clan won.

"daebak", Daniel patted your shoulder while Seongwoo typed on his phone about what happened and what he should do the next time he play Clash Royale.

"you're cool (your CR username)-sshi", he stood up from his seat to look at you.

"you're cool yourself Junghagram-sshi", you replied before you smirked and held up your both hand with a I-don't-get-what-you-are-talking-about face while saying, "I did said, you took my place". "ah, right, you must've been a regular here, and please it's Jungha, Hwang Jungha", he smiled.

"and here is (name), (surname) (name)", you bowed your head.

Daniel and Seongwoo stared at Jungha with calculating eyes.

" guys are done, let's get playing", Seongwoo placed a hand on your shoulder. You facepalmed, "ah...I didn't get to choose what game while I was about Dota?", you grinned up at him.

"well then I'll be going", Jungha held up his hand to wave but you quickly stopped him.

You smirked, "let's play 2-to-2, or are you perhaps busy, Jungha-sshi?". He shook his head as a no, "no I'm not busy, let's play". But you didn't realized how jealous the other two boys were, because of your full attention to Jungha.

"he's too good-looking", Daniel whispered to Seongwoo.

"we'll just have to make sure to ditch him later on", the ravenette murmured with a small smile.

So you and Jungha paired up, while your opponent were both Daniel and Seongwoo, Jungha took the seat next to you where as Daniel and Seongwoo took the two seats across from the two of you.

The game started right after the players chose the character they wanted to use.

15 minutes had passed but the game didn't end yet. You weren't planning on giving up, nor did the two boys, you chuckled, "not planning on giving up are you?", you huffed a short sigh.

"of course we won't.. HYUNG THERE!", Daniel yelled.

Seongwoo quickly attacked Jungha's character with his sword but Jungha remain calm yet he still did the counter-attack.

Another 15 minutes had passed and the game finally end, with of course, your win.

"assa!", Jungha air-fisted before glancing at you, "you're a game-girl, definitely", he smirked. "well~", you smirked to yourself before smiling and bowing your head, "forgive me for being rude to you at first, it's nice knowing you by the way".

He chuckled and tilt his head with smile, "it's okay it was partially my fault for seating at your seat we should be a game partner by the way ahaha~ then I'll be leaving I got a text from Daewon", he waved a goodbye before jogging away.

You waved back.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now