Chapter 30: Date with Ong Seongwoo 2

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So the two of you ride the merry-go-round while taking some pictures with each other. Then the two of you played other rides before having lunch at the food court.

“Ong-ah, what are we going to play next?”, you looked up at him as he twirled the straw in his glass while staring at you for who knows how long. As if in realization he flinched and tilt his head awkwardly, “sorry, what?”.

Hearing that, you huffed out a sigh, “what are we going to play next?”. “we haven't played the waterpark...but yeah we didn't brought any swim clothes and buying from this place cost a fortune”, he rolled his eyes, “so there's 3 places we haven't played yet, The ferris wheel and yet we should play that at night time, then we have this pirate ship and finally...the ghost house...................which I definitely don't want to go in”, he whispered the last part to himself.

Seongwoo switched his gaze to somewhere else you didn't expect, he stared at your neck.

“wh-what's wrong? Is there something here?”, you tried to touch each and every nook of your neck. “I thought you were wearing your scarf around your neck”, he muttered as he still stare at your neck.

You decided to shrug your shoulder, “must've fallen down while doing one of the rides”, then you smiled up at him, “it's fine anyway, I have loads of it at home”.

“ah, right did uncle already gave you your allowance?”.

“uncle? uncle Yongshik? Ahh, he already did”.

“what's his work anyway, he seems rich enough to have his own building”, he frowned to himself.

Smirking to yourself, you taunted him by whispering to him, “he sell organs”. “wh-wh-what!!????”, all the colour in his face drained white and his whole body was trembling. Seeing this, you couldn't help but snickered by covering your mouth with the back of your hand but his face was priceless so it didn't help at all, you burst out laughing while holding your stomach.

“PABO YA!”, you continued to laugh your heart out while Seongwoo looked at you with a hurt look, “m-m-mian hahahaha I couldn't help it hahahaha your face ahahahahhaha”. “noona stop it, you're embarrassing me”, he pouted. You took a deep breath before smiling, “let's go to the ghost house”.

Unfortunately, there were a lot of people who wanted to go into the ghost house, so the two of you had to cue up along the line and it was tiresome.

“can we not just go here? It's tiring”, he pouted to you so you pouted back at him, “but Ong-ah~”, you whined, “it must've been worth it...that's why it's long, let's wait okay?”, you blinked your big cute puppy eyes at him which made him melt internally.

An hour and a half had passed, finally the both of you were in the front line but yeah you had to wait for five more minutes before you could enter.

You were puffing out your cheeks while leaning onto the railing infront of you as you wait, while Seongwoo was behind you leaning onto the railing behind him, but something didn't feel right with Seongwoo, his legs were shaking and his eyes were twitching.

Surprisingly it wasn't due to his anxiousness nor nervousness, but it was due to his anger. Why anger all of a sudden?

He noticed there were a group of boys staring at you right next to you while you were completely oblivious to the stares. It annoys him that he could've punched their faces if it isn't because of your well being.

“hei”, one of the boys called out to you.

You couldn't hear him.

“um, you try”.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now