Chapter 8: Cute glasses

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The next day~

You wore your lucky (fav/c) scarf around your neck with your dark blue long jacket, it was the cold season and that was why you wore winter clothes, the others as well.

As you walked along the cafeteria searching for an empty table, you felt a gentle pat on your shoulder, so you turned your head to look, "Euijin-sunbae-nim, good afternoon". He smiled and greeted back, "have you eaten hangover soup already?". You nodded your head, "yes, I made it this morning, how about you sunbae-nim?". He shrigged his shoulder, "well, we had to drive to some place and get a hangover time I want to try yours if you don't mind".

"okay sure".

"wanna eat with me?", he smiled at you.

Staring at him for a while and you find no harm of doing so, so you eventually sat with him in the cafeteria.

"so tell me about yourself, (name)-sshi", he smiled.

You parted your lips to talk but someone beat you to it.

"she's (surname) (name)-noona, age 24(let's pretend it that way)-"

"lives in Hanjoo Apartment, likes playing game in the arcade-"

"her favourite food is (fav/food), and that's all you have to know", Seongwoo ended his words with a small smirk, before joining the table. "you don't mind if we join the table right?", the other blondie smirked.

Euijin slowly nodded his head with a smile, " two must've been really close to (name)-sshi". "of course~", he shook his shoulder in a teasing way, before smirking again at Euijin, "hei hyung, you should've taste noona's hangover soup, it taste great".

"that was what I was talking about anyway Ong Seongwoo-sshi", he chuckled before shifting his gaze from his food to him. Then it was full of awkward silence. You were eating while feeling weirded out, you looked to your side, Daniel and your other side, Seongwoo.

Shaking your head in disbelief, "why are you leaving the seat next to Euijin-sunbae-nim empty when you both are seating right next to me?". Euijin stiffled his laughter as he brought his hand to his lips, looking away. Seongwoo replied proudly, "simply because it's closer".

"you do have a point but still, you're leaving him hanging", you ushered that to Euijin.

"no no it's okay, I don't mind~", he laughed at the end of his words.

Daniel and Seongwoo shared glances at each other before Daniel reluctantly stood up from his seat to the seat next to Euijin whom was facing you. You nodded your head in satisfy, "now that doesn't hurt you does it?". "alright noona", he pushed his glass frame so it won't fall off his nose.

You stared at him, "you got a new glasses, Niel?". He grinned, revealing his bunny teeth without him knowing, "yes, does it look good?". "may I have a closer look?", you tilt your head to him with curious eyes. "sure", he grinned and took it off before handing it to you.

The glasses were cute, big and round but not too big, one that certainly compliment their eyes, the frame was gold in color, you put it on and blink your eyes, it was a bit blurry but you could handle it, "how do I look?".

Seongwoo said, "cheongmal yepp-", but got cut off by someone else.

"yeppeoda", Euijin murmured.

You switched your gaze to the male infront of you, blushing slightly, "ah? Thanks..I guess". You took it off and look at it again, "it looks great on you Niel", you lean over to him and slide the glasses on to his ears with a small smile on your face. Daniel on the other hand was surprised to the point he was also blushing lightly.

"thank you noona", he smiled at you.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now