Chapter 24: Bully? Tease? Scared?

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When you got back to your apartment, you decide to lay on your bed and call Daniel. In two rang, he quickly answered your call.

"have you return to your apartment?"-Daniel


"great, since your exam is the day after tomorrow....let's play at the arcade, no wait this time..let's play at the cyber cafe"-Daniel

You could hear him grinning from the other side of the phonecall.

"and what if I don't want".

"....then you're a loser"-Daniel

"game on!"

"hahahahah, let's meet up at the usual place"-Daniel

Then he hung up again. You sighed to yourself, "I guess I'm going again...I should use Jimin's bicycle". You wore your usual short-short and a tuck-in with a shoulder-less blouse. Then you took out the bicycle from the store room before bringing it out from your apartment to the elevator.

Once you got down, you rode your bike to the city garden, and you saw two familiar heads sitting on the bench, so you crept behind them slowly trying to scare them, you made sure that it was them so you waited for them to talk.

"what's talking noona so long?"-Seongwoo


"YAAAH!!!", you yelled in between and you squeezed their shoulder which made the two poor boys screamed in horror and fell out from their seats to look at you, while you smiled innocently.

"noona!", they whined as they tried to catch their breath. Soon enough you burst out laughing while slapping your knee, "oh god that was so funny, I should've record it". Daniel and Seongwoo looked up at you while you were laughing your ass off, they were crossing their leg while crossing their arms across their chest with an unsettled look on their face.

But then, they ended up laughing too.

You smiled and crouched infront of them before ruffling their head, "mianhae~ I just missed bullying you guys like that, hence! It's not fair that you guys keep on bullying me", you rolled your eyes with a small pout.

"it's not bullying".

"it's teasing".

They corrected you and you just stared at them without blinking, before standing up on your feet, "let's go". "hahaha~ she ignored us", Daniel laughed. Seongwoo then jumped to his feet and wrapped on arm around your neck, "I'm humiliate, you know".

"about what?", you asked.

"you scaring the hell outta me", he frowned to himself, so you looked at him and poked his cheek, "pabo... I was humiliate when you keep on scaring me all the time, what does that make me?". He made an 'XD'-face, "ah, you're right...but scaring you is much more fun because you make cute sounds". You made a disgusted face, "pervert..", and you quickly backed away from him.

"yah! I was just joking".

"what are you guys talking about?", Daniel finally came with your bike in his other hand. You pinched his cute cheeks, "this byuntae here said scaring me was fun". He chuckled, "but it's true, the look on your face when you were surprised it's really cute". You glare at him, "stop calling me cute", you walked further away from them, but both of them quickly caught on you, standing on each of your side with their usual bright smile.

"we forgot to tell you something (name)-ah", Daniel started.

"what?", you replied without looking at them .

"you look beautiful today, as always", Seongwoo continued.

You puffed out your cheeks as it reddened, "shut up, you guys are annoying", then you rolled your eyes.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now