Chapter 28: Haikyuu!

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A few weeks had passed since then and you had already finished your examination, so did Euijin, but both Daniel and Seongwoo had their exams that day, so you just hang out at the library while they had their exams.

Euijin on the other hand was busy preparing for the audition that will be held on September which was a few more weeks from now.

So you were alone with Juhyun who was busy texting with her boyfriend in glee. You sighed to yourself, 'I wish the day can fly quickly....but....ahaha...whatever', you shook your head with a small frown, 'when exactly am I going to tell them?'.

'I better hang out with those boys even more before they start audition for Produce 101, I'm gonna miss them', a ghostly smile were slowly drawn to your lips.


"oi don't yell in the library".


The fuss quickly interrupted your thoughts so you quickly turn your head to the side only to smile, 'awesome'. It were none other than those two cuties who glomped you with their brightest smile. "(name)-ah, let's hang out later", Daniel grinned at you before pulling away to seat next to you.

Your eyes widened at the thought, 'they read me like an open book', before nodding your head, "I'd love too!!". "shush not so loud (name)", Seongwoo placed his index finger to your lips with a smirk, "we're in the library after all~ I have two ideas what to do, wanna play volleyball or basketball? Or just play both", he wiggled his eyebrows in a demanding way yet in a funny way which made you giggled.

Hence making them blush to your rare cute giggle.

"I suck at basketball, so let's play volleyball instead but...don't we need at least 3 more players to play against each other?", you pressed your lips in a thin line with a wondering look on your face.

Seongwoo nodded his head, "'re right, I have a friend who can play volleyball, let me text him for a moment", he took out his phone and texted his friend. "and here I thought you don't have any friends than the two of us, Ong-ah~", you cooed holding in your devilish smirk.

He pursed his lips at you, "don't be so mean noona", he pouted. 'cute', you smiled at him, "I was just joking Ong".

Daniel was silently watching you two while snickering at your previous words before finally piping up, "how many of your friend that can play volleyball though hyung?". In return he hummed first before looking away, "".

Cue, you laughing and Daniel tried holding in his laughter as he smacked his knee.

"that's not funny guys", he pouted again, annoyed at the two of you.

"anyway...I guess we need two more", you mumbled.


The three of you turned your heads to the said voice which belongs to Juhyun whom had been watching the three of you, "are you guys searching for someone to play volleyball with you?", she continued. The three of you nodded your heads with a hopeful look on your face.

" and my boyfriend actually can play volleyball, If you want...both of us can join you guy-", right before she finished her lines. You cut her off, "kkeol!".


You were already getting ready with the others wearing jersey that Juhyun's boyfriend brought for each teams, and the judge was Juhyun's boyfriend's friend, Myungjun. You, Juhyun and Hansol(Juhyun's boyfriend)( a very tall guy) were in one team against Daniel, Seongwoo and Minhyun(Seongwoo's friend).

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now