Chapter 20: Hateful? Lovable?

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“annyeong (name)-sshi”, you heard a voice, so you turned around and smile. “Euijin-sunbae-nim, annyeong, don't you have exam today?”. He shook his head, “no, but I have exam tomorrow, you wanna hang out with me? I can teach you, if you're troubled with your studies”, he smiled.

“go (name)-ah”, Min-ah smirked at you, the others joined too.

“let's seat somewhere else”, he smiled and carried your books.

You nodded your head and got up before glaring at your friends who were giggling at you. Then you went to Euijin's side, “what are you going to teach me?”. He hummed for a while, “hmm...what do you want me to teach? You're in my every class anyway, I can teach you anything”. “okay!”, you cheered, “there's this lesson with Mr.Kim that I don't get it well, and sunbae-nim you aced this subject me?”.

He chuckled, “gwiyeoptda, of course I'd help you besides I did offered help anyway, let's seat here”.

The teaching lesson went on for a few hours and you were only half way through.

“ah...this is hard”.

“wanna stop for a while?”, he asked with a smile before taking out something from his bag, “here.. I bought coffee on my way here hours ago”, he gave you the tin. “thank you Euijin-sunbae-nim”, you eye-smiled before yanking the tin open and gulping it down, “woah! That's refreshing”.

Sfx.ringtone, “I promise u”-wanna one

You looked at you phone, “mianhae, let me take the phonecall”.

You got up and took your phone with you, you looked at the ID name and laughed, 'these guys', you answered the call.

“(name)-ah, are you still in the library?”-Seongwoo

“yea, why?”

“aren't you hungry?”-Seongwoo

“yea, why?”.

“let's go eat!”-Seongwoo

“what exactly are we going to eat?”.


“.........okay I'm hanging up”.



“ramyun, let's eat some ramyun”-Seongwoo


“okay (name)-ah, wait there, me and Daniel will go to you! See ya!”-Seongwoo

Then he hung up after you heard Daniel's voice at the background saying “Let's go~”. You went back to your seat and packed your things while Euijin couldn't help but be confused to your action. “are you going somewhere?”, he asked with the smile that never leaves his face.

“eating ramyun with Ong and Niel”, you replied before smiling up at him, “I'm sure you can follow us too Euijin-sunbae-nim”. He chuckled, “don't mind if I do, I'm starving anyway...let me carry that for you, are you going to study somewhere else after that?”.

You shook your head as a no, “I don't think so, I'm gonna rest for a while.. I still have tomorrow anyway before the big about you sunbae-nim?”. He pressed his lips in a thin line, “I have exam I guess I'll be seeing you after I'm done?”, he looked at you as he raised one eyebrow at you.

You nodded your head, “sure do! Just text me and we'll meet up”.

“(name)-ah? And...Euijin-hyung”, Seongwoo smiled 'brightly'.

“Ong-ah~ you don't mind Euijin-sunbae-nim joining us, right? besides~ he helped me a lot with Physics”, you showed your puppy eyes at him while chewing your bottom lip, Seongwoo couldn't help but stare. Daniel then placed a hand on his shoulder, waking him up, “of course, we don't mind, eating ramyun is much more fun if there're lot of people eating with us”.

“good then, let's go”, you smiled before walking ahead of them to which the three boys tried to keep up with you.

Euijin then pushed himself to you, “(name)-sshi, since you're practically having the time off, would you mind keeping me company somewhere, I want to show you something....well I don't really know if you'd like it or not anyway, so will you?”. Hearing him asking you a favor was quite a rare thing, so you just nodded your head with a small smile.

He smiled brightly.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now