Chapter 5: I like you

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[Miru's note:~ hellooo........ Idk if there is still people who read this crappy story of mine........but yeah...........whatever as long as i get to send a story i want to share then thats fineee.....buuuuttt if there actually readers who's actually reading this wanna one story then... would it be okay if u guys comment what u think about this story? But please no bad comments...I can't handle bad comments actually😂😂😅]

The two boys stopped talking as they spotted Euijin, talking to you and grabbing your arm, it made them annoyed and shut down for a moment.

“Oh? Okay”, you stood up from your seat and turned to your friends and the two boys with a smile, “I'll be back”. Min-ah smirked mischievously, “take your time girl~ and hook up with him”, she winked at you while you just looked at her in disbelief before rolling your eyes and followed Euijin to somewhere.

“um...Min-ah-noona...what do you mean by hooking up with Euijin-sunbae?”, Daniel asked in curiousity. She chuckled, “didn't you know? ah... I forgot... you guys are juniors afterall~~ actually Euijin-oppa likes (name)”. “what?”, both Seongwoo and Daniel said in utter shock. Juhyun nodded her head in agreement, “yes he likes her, but we didn't really knew when exactly he started liking her but I think it was last year but he kinda decides to forget her by dating bunch of girls and...I guess it didn't go well, so probably today he might have the courage to ask her ou-! Hey where're you guys going?”, Seongwoo and Daniel quickly left the table.

“he better not be touching her again”, Daniel huffed an annoyed puff as he looked around with Seongwoo. “should we tell noona that we like her?”, Seongwoo cocked an eyebrow at him. “I don't know...we should wait for the right time I guess...that way, we'll know whom she likes the best between us both”, he chuckled lowly.

“of course noona would've picked me, I am Ong Seongwoo anyway~”, he pointed to himself as if the spotlight was on him. On the other hand the blondie just rolled his eyes in annoyance, “don't be so sure Seongwoo-hyung”.

Just then, they both heard your voice from outside the restaurant, talking with Euijin.

“no actually I'm confused here, how did you even know where I live?”, you asked while tilting your head to look at him with a confused look. Euijin shrugged his shoulder, “welllll....I just happened to saw your address in one of the student books”, he slowly averted his eyes from yours.

You pushed him away with an annoyed look, “kkojingmal”.

“kkojingmal aniyo”, he chuckled as he shook his hand with a nervous smile, “but...well...yeah....I did ask someone about your...address”.

Blinking your eyes 2 times made you feel alert, “wait....are you stalking me?”.

His face went pink and he quickly shook his head as a no, “believe me I'm n-”.

“asking someone about my address and checking my profile from the student's book is stalking Euijin-sunbae-nim”, you crossed your arm across your chest with a knowing look. He then look down, embarrassed, “I'm sorry...I just couldn't help it....from the first time I laid my eyes on you, my heart keep pounding loud on my chest...I feel like I wasn't myself... I...really like you (name)-sshi”, he slowly shifted his eyes to look at you.

You were surprised, your cheeks were pink, “m-mwo?”

“I really like you, (name)-sshi....would you please go out with me?”, he looked at you.

“wait.....can we...y'know...get to know each other before moving on to this sudden relationship”, you slightly begged at him with a face as if you were being cornered and you don't have anywhere else to go.

He smiled brightly and held your hand in his, “sure! I'll wait”, he brought his lips close to your knuckles and kissed it, now you knew why he was called gentleman. “thank you, (name)-sshi”, he sweetly smiled at you.


My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now