Chapter 4: Awkward meeting

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Walking down from your apartment, you saw someone you didn't expect to be waiting there.

Lee Euijin.

“sunbae-nim? What are you doing here?”, you walked to him with an obvious wondering look. He smiled at you, “well I actually wanted to pick you up from your apartment”. “oh? but..”.

“we're here to pick her up though, Euijin-sunbae”, another familiar voice said a few meters away from the two of you, it was Ong Seongwoo and right beside him was Kang Daniel. “oh? Fancy seeing you two here”, Euijin smirked to them, “where are you taking her to?”.

“chill sunbae, we actually wanted to go to your party if you don't mind that is”, Daniel said, covering his jealousy facade with his smile. “heol, sure! The more the merrier, let's go”, he ushered both of them to join him and they obliged without a word.

When the four of you arrived at the said restaurant, it was packed with your intakes and his intakes, little were his juniors. “so please enjoy yourself”, he smiled to them and then stared at you with a smile more longer than he gave the other two.

“yah~ you finally came (name)-sshi~ here you go~ this is soju”, Min-ah gave you a glass of what seemed like normal water. “thank you”, you smiled to her before taking a sip of the soju.

The other two decides to blend in with their seniors by drinking but in Seongwoo's case, he went around stealing meat from people's table.

You giggled as you shook your head in disbelief.

You knew both of them since 3 years ago, when they just graduate from high school. You were playing games in the arcade, when Daniel and Seongwoo were playing against you and of course you won fair and square. At first both of them were angered at you for being a cocky and sassy girl but soon enough they found your behaviour cute and oddly they decide to stick with you. Hence they even followed you to your college like lost puppies.

Jiyeon ushered you to seat next to her so you did. “how did you meet those boys anyway?”, she asked curiosity lingered in her voice. “game”, you rolled her eyes and she laughed out loud. “lie”.

You shook your head with an annoyed look, “do I look like I'm lying to you, Jiyeon-ah?”. She shrugged her shoulders, “you are good at lying and changing topics so of course I think you could lie”.

“no way.... would you mind introducing us to them?”, Yoora batted her long fake eye-lashes to the boys who didn't even notice her. “yeah sure, I don't mind... yah Kang Daniel, Ong Seongwoo, come here for a sec”, you called out to them and within seconds the two boys came rushing to you with their usual bright smile.

“yes noona?”, both of them said in unison.

“I'm going to introduce you guys to some of my friends, this is Jiyeon-”

“annyeong”, she gave a wave.

“this is Yoora-”.

“hai~”, she batted her eyelashes to them.

“this is Juhyun-”.

“annyeong haseyo”.

“and this is currently drunk”, you sweatdropped.

“annyeong beauty boys~”, she waved her hands in the air as if she was having a blast party in her mind. 

“ne, annyeong haseyo, nae ireumun Kang Daniel imnida”, Daniel bowed his head with his cute bunny smile while Seongwoo bowed his torso 90º and smiled, “annyeong haseyo, nae ireumun Ong Seongwoo imnida, Hong Seongwoo ani gu Ong Seongwoo gu yo, Woong Seongwoo ani gu Ong Seongwoo gu yo, Kong Seongwoo ani gu Ong Seongwoo imnida”, he flashed his charming smile to the girls which made them giggle and excited.

“you guys are good-looking”, Juhyun thought out loud which made the boys laughed and in the end thanked her for the compliment.

Jiyeon pointed the two empty seats next to you, “please you can seat here”. “wow thanks, I though we were going to keep on running around stealing meat all the time”, Seongwoo grinned and quickly took the seat next to you. “that's the only thing you do Seongwoo-hyung”, Daniel shook his head in disbelief before shooting a playful glare at him for stealing the seat next to you.

Yoora grinned, “so what do you guys do during holiday?”.

Seongwoo shrugged his shoulder, “we usually just hang out with each other or disturb noona's place or playing at arcade with noona”. “ spent half of your time with (name)?”, she cocked an eyebrow, clearly annoyed. “not half...more like most of the time”, he grinned before crossing his arms across his chest.

You just sat there and eat the grilled meat with a satisfied look on your face, muttering “mashita”, everytime a grilled meat went into your mouth.

“(name)-sshi?”, a voice interrupted your thought.

So you turned your head to look at the the said culprit with a pout, “what”. Turns out it was Euijin, again, so you stopped your pout and looked at him with curious eyes. “yes?”. “can I talk to you alone?”, he gently hold your arm with his gentle smile.

The two boys stopped talking as they spotted Euijin, talking to you and grabbing your arm, it made them annoyed and shut down for a moment.

“Oh? Okay”, you stood up from your seat and turned to your friends and the two boys with a smile, “I'll be back”.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now