Chapter 34: "I hate this"

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3 months had passed since that day, and you haven't heard of them. While they were stuck with Produce 101 program and Euijin with Idol Rebooting Project, you were stuck in a place where you meet the same person everyday and eat the same food everyday.

The scent of clean tiles can be smell almost everyday, since your feet couldn't help but walk around the huge place.

You were carrying your books with you, reading more about medic stuffs, in the hospital. As you arrived at the cafeteria, you placed your books on a nearby table before scooting to the group of old women you've been talking to since you got to the hospital.

"hello there!", you greeted with a smile.

"my my, you're here again dear"

"aren't you tired??".

"it's no biggie~ actually I have a favor to ask about the disease I was reading about.... Honestly I'm not sure if we can call it a disease though.....", you grinned as you sat yourself at an empty seat with them. "ask away dear", grandma #1 asked.

Smiling brightly, you grabbed your book, "so here in this page, it explains about different types of disease that has a connection with passing out, and.... My question here is..... what about narcolepsy? I've seen in a story before where a boy had narcolepsy ever since his parents died, and he had been passing out since then.... I honestly just don't get it.....I can't call it a disease, because there is no cure to it.....or is there?', you raised your eyebrow after finishing your words.

The three old women just stared at you with small sweatdrops on the side of their face.

"to be honest dear..................................... I didn't quite catch on what you just said", grandma #1 replied. You puffed your cheeks before sighing in the end, then realization hits you, "oh right..... the last time I went here was 4 months ago right? I remembered a boy my age who was hospitalized and was talking to you guys", you scratch the back your head, "when did he got out?".

Grandma #2 smiled, "oh? That young man Seyong-ah? I love that child so much, he got out of the hospital a few weeks after you got out, if I'm not mistaken he said he was getting ready for...something called Idol Robot, he said he wanted to be an idol", she smiled dreamily.

" mean, Idol Rebooting Project?", your eyes widened.

"yes that one", she smiled after chuckling.

'what a small world hunh?', you looked down before shaking your head with a smile.

Grandma #3 then patted your shoulder, "but dear, shouldn't you be asking your previous question to the doctors here??". You frowned, "they're so stingy! Humph! Besides halmeoni are very kind and you knew my question weeks ago".

"silly girl", grandma #2 laughed, "that's just coincidental".

"so, we've been asking you every day, aren't you going to answer us dear?", Grandma #1 asked while cocking one of her eyebrow upwards with a taunting smile.

You laughed awkwardly, "what do you mean? I don't understand your question..". "don't joke around dear, you have two guys at the palm of your hand, who are you going to choose?", she continued.

"ah it's so good to be young and pretty", grandma #3 let out a sigh.

"being youthful is a gift, cherish it while it last", grandma #2 gave a thumbs up to you. You giggled while shaking your head, "sure do...".

"now don't avoid my question dear, who is it?", grandma #1 repeated her question.

Sweatdropping for the nth time of the day, you made a peace sign before swiftly taking your books and running away, "I'll tell you next time!~". "that girl", she facepalmed.

You took steady breath after running the whole floor just to the beautiful rooftop. You looked around with a smile on your face, "I wanna play game consoles, I really miss playing with those dweebs", you giggled to yourself before placing your book to the nearest bench, before inhaling the smell of fresh air.

"I miss those two, I wonder how they're doing out there...".

A tear slipped from your eye as you laughed half-heartedly, "what am I gonna do?".

A flash of memory replayed in your mind where the three of you first met, which was during your post-graduate year, searching for part time job, you were out of luck that time, so you decide to ease your mind by playing games in the arcade 3 years ago.


You were playing Fortnite in the computer cyber right next to the arcade, and you single-handedly shot two enemy players who just happened to enter the enemy grounds. Their name was 'OngOngOng_258' and '1012—Dany'.

You were wearing your headset that time, so you didn't notice the commotion behind you, were two boys were grunting when they got shot.

As they were waiting for respawning, you killed other enemy players hence gaining more points for your account. Then as you waited for the right time, the same two enemy players crossed your path and again, you shot them while snickering, "damn they're easy stupid Ong and Dany".

"dude.... This she just said our name??".


The boys turned around and spotted a pretty girl playing fortnite, then they realized your character was the one who killed theirs.

"yah!!!!!", one of the male swiftly turned your seat, to face them. "the f*ck you want?", you glared at them. "you aren't giving us a chance to fight". "what are you talking about?..... oh sh*t, enemy", you quickly tapped your keyboard, trying your best to stay out of reach from the enemy and you succeeded as you walked further away from the enemy grounds.

"now what did you just said moments ago?", you tilted your head while cocking an eyebrow sassily.

"I'm OngOngOng_258", the previous guy who was talking with you stated in an angered tone.

"and I'm 1012—Dany", the other guy replied.

Realization hit you when you noticed the game they were playing, "ahhh..... you must be two noobs", you smirked. A tick mark appeared on the side of their heads before they declared, " we're not!!".

"if you aren't some noobs, then why did you lose right after you enter?", you stick out your tongue while crossing your legs.

"fight us in another game, let's play tekken", the said OngOngOng suggested, and you simply nodded, "sure after I finish this game.


'Those two cute idiots', you shook your head.

"there you are! You shouldn't be out here, it's getting cold you know?", you could hear your uncle's voice, Yongshik calling out to you. You turned your head with a small frown, "I don't care uncle". "now now, you should go back to your room, you're not in good health to run around like that", he walked and took your books with you as he placed an arm to your back dragging the unwilling-you back to your room in the ward.

Arriving at your ward, the nurse sighed in relief, "you shouldn't run around like that, your heart might not take it, a cardiovascular patient like you needs to take gentle steps".

You pouted and looked away, 'I hate this'. 

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now