Chapter 11: 2 Confessions?

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“noona”, you opened your eyes as you heard Seongwoo's rare gentle voice.

“whatever you time...please don't go alone like that”, he said with a serious look on his face. You stared at him, completely flabbergasted, “a-alright alright...stop being serious like that scares me”, you frowned a little.

He clasped your hand in his, “I know it's freaky.....but trust me noona...seeing you passed out like that scares me more than what scares you”. Your lips slowly curved into a small smile, “alright Ong Seongwoo”. Daniel sighed, “honestly I feel jealous”.


“Seongwoo-hyung.... it's not fair he keeps on holding noona's hand..just because he's a year older than me”, he rolled his eyes. Your jaw dropped, “you like me or something?”.



“Yah! I like you too noona”, Seongwoo interrupted as he looked at you with a failed attempted puppy eyes, which made you giggle.

You look at them with bright hues on your cheeks.

“can you give us a chance?”, Daniel begged with his pass puppy eyes.

You smiled and look down, “okay, I'll give it a try”.

“thank you noona”, both of them kissed your cheeks at the same time which made you blush even more. Today was the first time your heart kept beating fastly by the two sweethearts, you nearly had a heart attack.

Those two boys didn't even leave your side.

“aren't you guys hungry?”, you look at your side, absent-mindedly disturbing the boys sleeping.

Daniel stretched his arms above his head with a smile on his face, “a bit, but it's about you, noona? Aren't you starving? Besides there's a foot mark on your stomach..........”.

“how did you know?”.

“I saw it”, he looked away with a small frown, “I accidently saw it...when the nurse lift your shirt up...noona...was it those girls who did it to you? Tell me honestly...yesterday too, right? I knew you were lying...the same girl, right?”. You were speechless, so you end up chewing your botttom lip.

“noona...please”, his warm big hand reached your cheek as it strokes your cheek softly.

You nodded your head slowly, “but don't hurt them back”, he looked at you in confusion, “why not?”. You sighed to yourself, “karma, I guess”. “hahaha~ didn't know noona believed in such things”, he covered his lips as he tried to stiffle his laughter.

You glare at him, “shut up”.

He smiled, “y'know noona...sometimes you're like a tsundere”.

'Tsundere?', you thought to yourself, then you stare up at him, “what's that?”.

“a pumpkin”, he stiffled his laughter and so you decide to ignore him.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now