Chapter 26: Boys Just being Boys

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"he's a handsome hyung, right (name)-ah", you heard Seongwoo said in a weird low voice, indicating he was slightly pissed off, no scratch that 'slightly', he was VERY pissed off. Turning your head to look at him you nodded with your usual blank face, "yes I do admit he's a handsome guy".

"do you like him?", both of them asked in unison.

"pfft! Yah! He's a fun guy BUT I'm not that kind of person who would've liked a person just by hanging out for a few minutes", you shook your head in disbelief, they were still frowning so you tilt your head with a smile, "still not believing me, are you? Arasseo~", you pinched their cheeks before smirking, "then it's up to you whether you believe me or not~", you said in a sing-song tone, "let's play a game", you walked away.

Seongwoo who couldn't help but smile, followed you in suit. Daniel laughed, 'why wouldn't I believe her? We've known her for three years already, she's not that kind of person', he scurried over to you.

"hei, let's play Asphalt", Seongwoo piped up.

"racing? I'm still gonna win the game, you know that right?", you cocked an eyebrow as your delicate finger glide across the keyboard typing 'Asphalt:Airborne 8' at the center of the screen.

"we're just betting on it".

"which place do you wanna race?", you asked as your eyes scanned the countries' places.


You bit your bottom lip, "how about Tokyo?". "no, nevada". "but...I hate racing there", you muttered under your breath before huffing an annoyed sigh, "fine, I'll still win anyway, let's start", you chose your finest car, "Devel Sixteen Prototype". You fixed the game setting as classic/multiplayer and typed Nevada as the place you were racing at.

Soon enough, you started the race after all three racers clicked the race button.

You hated to race there, you seriously hate it, sooooo many dust and a lot of drifting place, which made your car move slow unless you click the nitro to speed up, you completely secure the first place while Daniel and Seongwoo faught for second place to beat you but they were far behind with their "SIN R1" and "Chevrolet 2016 Camaro SS".

Those two keep on crashing onto one another making you yell, "YAH! When are you going to catch me?". But they were still driving each other nuts.

And soon enough you got first place.


Seongwoo whom was putting a lot of force in his fingers to the poor keyboard, end up with number 2.

While Daniel who was 0.01 second away from the second place.

You looked at them before shaking your head, "you guys better stop fighting just because of a game".

Seongwoo was glaring at Daniel while he did the same at him.

"oh? Jungha-sshi!".

Their ears perked up at the name making the two boys quickly stop glaring at each other as they searched for the said guy, little did they know you were just playing with them.

"pabo", you snickered.

"sheishh noona", Daniel whined before looking at you with a serious look, "next time I won't be fooled". "so do I", Seongwoo huffed an annoyed sigh making you giggle. "oh really?", you smirked, "I'll try it next time".

Hearing those words, made them quickly glance at you while gulping down their worries that keeps on coming.

"let's play the last game, what do you want to play?", you smiled up to them as they peered to you from their shoulders. They shrugged their shoulders.

"one last game and we're done", you scanned the pc infront of you, "how about League Of Legend".

"but, you're not that good in that game", Seongwoo slowly said as he stared at you. Daniel on the other hand scratched the back of his neck, "I'm not sure where this is going though".

"let's play!", you cheered excitedly.

Surprisingly the game ended abruptly as it started. Well of course, you lost the game...not surprisingly.

You clapped your hands with a bright smile, "yay! Finally you guys won...hmhm~ so it's 2-to-1 with my win hm?", you hummed to yourself. Seongwoo heaved out a sigh before hugging you from behind with his face laying on your right shoulder, "seroiusly (name)-ah...what are you trying to do?". His breath was fanning to your cold ear, making it suddenly hot, so do your cheeks, "n-nothing actually".

Daniel whom was still frowning despite winning, sat on the ground, facing you while holding both your hands in his, "I guess you are angry at us, right? Me and hyung were fighting just because of a game". You looked at him and nodded your head, "yeah... both of you made me think that you two are still childish...fighting over a game".

You played with Daniel's fingers while thinking, "so you guys lose, right?....hmm....what should I do? What time is it anyway?", you didn't dare to turn to Seongwoo's face since he was still close to your face. "my watch is right here", Seongwoo replied staring right infront of his face, his watch was on his left wrist.

"t-then what time is it?", you pouted without turning your head and you spotted Daniel smiling as he stared at the two of you, no, more like he stared at your facial expression than at Seongwoo.

"I can't see it from here, it's facing your direction", he smirked to his words.

You pressed your lips into a thin line before grunting, "Ong-noyying", you slipped your hand to your pocket and took out your phone to check what the time was, "19:36....didn't know time passed that fast, let's go Ong let go of me".

Seongwoo pouted and shook his head, "no".

You crossed your arms across your chest, "why not?", you ask before you mouthed to Daniel, 'Help me please', which Daniel quickly stood up and pried Seongwoo from you. "because you won't turn your face to look at me", he simply replied. "yah, are you trying to kill me? You're going to choke me to death if you won't let go", you deadpanned at him while looking at Daniel who was still trying his best to pry Seongwoo's arms from you.

Seongwoo heaved out a sigh before letting you go reluctantly, "alright, but you owe me a kiss".

"what?!", both you and Daniel yelled in a shock manner, making other people direct their attention to you.

"shh!!", they shushed you two so you apologized.

Then you turned your head to look at Seongwoo, "what the hell are you talking about Ong?", you frowned with a visible pink cheek, you were half-angry and half-embarrassed. He smirked and leaned closer to your face, making you hit the chair, "I noticed, your reaction to us is quite different's seems as though you have a love feeling towards us, Daniel you noticed it too, right?".

You were contemplating on what you should do next, the first idea that pops into your mind was fleeing from the place, but then you thought to yourself, 'they are still gonna catch me in the end what should I do?'.

"so precisely you owe me a kiss", he smirked.

'what? What just happened? Did he just said his reasons while I was contemplating with myself???? Oh shit', you chew your bottom lip before pouting, "I'm hungry", you blurted out.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now