Chapter 17: Hurt

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“I haven't seen Euijin-hyung for the longest time”, Daniel finally started the conversation after a long of silence at the start of eating. You look at him, “he's having his exams”.

“oh! No wonder! Then we have more chance to get you”, Seongwoo grinned.

“what do you mean?”.

“Seongwoo-hyung d-!”.

“we played a game you know, who gets to win your heart, they win”, he simply said, and your chopstick dropped from your hand. “so all of this shit is merely a game, hunh? I get it”, you heart shattered, 'how could they do this to me', “then your feelings are fake too, a game!”, you pushed yourself up onto your feet, “well then, thanks a lot”.

“no wait!”, Daniel stood up before he turned to Seongwoo, “hyung, you're not supposed to tell her that,  now she clearly misunderstood”. “oh hell no”, Seongwoo stood up and tried to chase you. But you had hidden yourself somewhere and cried your heart out, 'I...I feel betrayed! how could they do this to me! They were playing with my feelings all this time! I hate them!'.

That evening, they couldn't even found you, they searched everywhere where they thought you could be, but they failed, they even went to your apartment and found it empty.

You were at your parent's grave, studying.

Oddly, surprisingly and out of ordinary, you were there studying, to keep yourself busy from what happened hours ago. You feel yourself at ease, gazing at you parent's tombstone, it feels as though they were watching over you, caressing your head by the wind, it felt soothing.

“eomma...appa....I miss you a lot, I miss Jimin too...but he's so far, I'll call him at another time, are the only guy that wouldn't hurt me right? Can you tell me that I'm strong?”, you hoped for your father to voice out but of course that won't happen, the wind only greeted you.

“you are strong”, you heard a voice. You stood up quickly and looked around, you spot a blondie, a short blondie.


“annyeong~”, he smiled sweetly.

“how was your exam, sunbae-nim?”.

He shrugged his shoulder, “I guess I did okay, what are you doing here? I see books scattered there”, he said as he walked closer to inspect the place and the grave you were looking at. “study..”. “that's weird ahaha~”. “how about you sunbae-nim?”, you asked back with a curious tone. He chuckled before smiling again, “I'm visiting my brother, today is his death anniversary”.

“oh, my sincere condolences”, you bowed your head to him and he quickly shook his hand in the air, “no it's alright, I feel bad about you myself....your lost both your parents”, he looked at the two tombstone, “that day must've been really sad for you, right?”, he switched his gaze to yours, his eyes showed how caring he was.

You lowered your gaze with a sad smile, “last year...when I finally made it in this college, I wanted to surprise mom and dad, they were in the hospital back then, but they gave me a surprise first, appa was the first one to pass away....then eomma was really shocked that her vitals gave out, but at least I was there when eomma left, Jimin was out of country that  he went here a day later, he never even stopped crying, so do I”, you laughed at the end of your words.

He held your arm gently with a smile, “don't worry, everyone had a hard time when someone they love leave them, I know that feeling, ah anyway, I gotta visit my brother”, he waved a goodbye to you.

You look back down at the tombstone and graze your finger against your parent's name.

“anyway...eomma appa, wish me good luck!”, you smiled before you picked up your books and stood up to go to the gates and just in time you heard Euijin's voice calling out to you so you waited for him.

“hei, wanna eat somewhere?”, he smiled cheerfully at you, “something healthy, if that's okay with you?”. Without complaining you smiled and followed him to where he wants to eat. He ordered samgyetang for the two of you as you finally arrived at the restaurant.

“(name)-sshi, I'm actually curious.... what do you want to do after graduating from college?”, he asked out of curiosity before he took a sip of the soup. You blinked your eyes for a moment, “I have no idea, but my parents want me to become a doctor in the near I might comply”, you smiled in the end.

“you are a good daughter”, he smiled brightly.

“don't say that”, you said bashfully before looking up at him, “what about you, sunbae-nim?”. He pointed to himself, “me? Ahh.... actually I heard at the end of this year they are putting up an idol rebooting project, so I'm planning on joining”. “woah! You're planning on becoming an idol? Don't you dare forget me when you become famous”, you glared playfully at him which made him laughed out loud.

“why would I forget a beautiful not to mention a charming person like you”, he smiled.

You blushed, “geh...stop flattering, p.s I'm not beautiful nor charming, I'm actually a mean person who'd rather punch a guy than befriending a girl who thinks she's pretty”, you cringed through your words. “seriously you're funny, (name)-sshi”, he chuckled.

“anyway once we finish, you don't mind right if I send you back to your apartment?”, he tear the chicken from his bowl before munching it. You nodded your head, “sure”, but then you remembered Daniel and Seongwoo, “wait.....would you mind sending me to Jiyeon's place?”.

“hm? What's wrong? I mean sure something wrong?”, he looked into your eyes as if finding some answers. You shook your head with a fake smile, “ani~ I just want to sleepover at my friends house”. He narrowed his eyes before nodding, “okay then”.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now