Chapter 32: Date With Kang Daniel 2

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After finally arriving to the cinema, Daniel nudged your shoulder, "what type of movie you wanna watch?".

You looked at the screen as he scrolled the types of movie that is now playing, "umm... I don't really know.... what do you recommend, Niel?", you cocked an eyebrow at him while crossing your arms across your chest.

He tilted his head to one side before shrugging, "I don't know either....but if you seriously have no idea, you wanna watch IT?".

"watch what?".

"watch IT".

"watch what???".


"IT???? what is it? What story are you talking about?".

[Miru's note:~ let's just say that you have Coulrophobia]

"it's a creepy story, you'll love IT", he pressed the button where the said movie was and booked for two and he also booked for the seat after paying. He then linked his arm with you before dragging you to the snacks section.

"so.....(name)-ah, you know almost all about me, but I don't really know that much about you, what kind of food do you like?", he turned his head to look at you while slowly moving forward as the customers move forward to pick a snack.

"hm? What do you want to know about me?", you look back at him.

He pondered for a while before snapping his finger with his other hand, "choose one, would you rather have a chocolate ice-cream or bulgogi?". You stared at him for a while before clenching his arm, "can you ask another question, I can't choose! I love both of it".

He laughed sweetly before pinching your cheek with his free hand, "alright then, would you rather have cheese on your ice-cream or butter on your rice?".

'what kind of question is he actually asking? I don't get him at all', you decided to reply, "cheese on ice-cream I guess".

"okay", he smiled, "would you rather go to the haunted house or swim in a lake where there are dangerous creatures?".

This time you laughed, "what the heck? Of course I would rather go to the haunted house, risking my life in a lake is a no-no".

"oh we're at the front, since you said you prefer cheese let's have that one and three packets of cheese, also pop corns, (name)-ah do you want coke or... energy drink?", he finally looked at you after scanning the screen infront of him.

"I'll just have plain water".

"are you sure?", he narrowed his eyes at you.

You nodded, "absolutely sure".

"you're not gonna regret it?", he raised one of his eyebrow at you, teasingly.

And so you decide to copy his reaction, "what do you think?".

"you're gonna regret it half way and..".

"ahem", the counter-man cleared his throat as he clearly look much annoyed than before.

Daniel stared at the counter-man before chuckling lightly, "we'll take one bottle of water and a diet coke".

"anything else?".

"that's all".

"that will be $23, sir".

So Daniel paid and carried the foods in his hands while you carried the drink.

"while we wait for the story, wanna play at the arcade for a while? The story starts at 8.15pm", he smiled at you, showing off his cute bunny teeth that had been hiding for the day. "let's play~", you air-fisted before skipping to the arcade with him skipping beside you.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now