Chapter 7: Drunk

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“it's your promise, okay? I'll ignore you for the rest of my life if you call me that again”. “y-yes, thank you noona!”, he kissed your nose before jumping away in excitement.

“are you sure you guys are just in noona-dongsaeng relationship?”, Yoora crossed her arm while raising one eyebrow with calculating eyes. Glancing at her for a brief moment, you nodded your head with a blank face before looking down as red hues started to spread across your cheeks, 'damn it, this is embarrassing'.

“noona, have a drink”, Daniel cheered with his cute smile.

Nodding your head slightly you looked away from Daniel while taking the glass of soju before gulping it in one shot. “y-yah..noona...that's soju!”, he took the glass from you, “not a single drop remain”.

“daaeeebaak!!”, Min-ah laughed out loud while clapping her hands, “can you really even handle that?”, she spank your back with a huge smile on her face. “that hurts”, you glared at her.

You breathed out a sigh, “I'm not drunk yet”, but your face was red. Daniel looked at you and chuckled, “you are drunk, noona...but you're really good in holding it though”, he then slowly reached your hand from under the table and squeeze it with a cheeky smile on his face.

Realizing that you felt a squeeze on your hand you look down and nodded, when you noticed Daniel's hand and you put no mind to it. You blinked your eyes for a moment, swaying your head slowly and plop goes to his shoulder and sleep.

“she's asleep?”, Jiyeon laughed and shook her head.

Juhyun facepalmed, “that girl...always asleep when she's should bring her back to her apartment, Kang Daniel-sshi”. Daniel nodded his head before taking you on his back, “thanks for the food”.

“say that to Euijin-oppa..not us”, Min-ah chuckled. Daniel scurried over to Euijin, “hyung, thank you for the food”, he smiled. Euijin looked behind him to see a sleeping you, “(name)-sshi is asleep.... okay, make sure she's properly in bed, thank you for coming too Kang Daniel-sshi”, he smiled at both of them.

“Seongwoo-hyung, let's go back”, Daniel shouted and Seongwoo's ear perked up so he went by his side with an annoyed look, “so early”, he then spotted you sleeping, “oh? Let's just have a small party in noona's apartment then”, he said cheekily before he got out from the restaurant.

When they arrived at your apartment, Seongwoo unlocked it with a pin number, since both of them kept on going back and forth to your apartment.

Daniel gently tucked you in bed after slipping off your shoes, he then turned his head to Seongwoo, “what are we gonna do with Euijin-sunbae?”. Seongwoo shrugged his shoulder and flopped himself on the couch next to your bed, “I don't know....”.

“you heard him, right? That he likes noona..he even confessed to will be in a matter of time before noona accepts her”, he continued. Seongwoo rolled his eyes, “I don't want noona to like him back”.

“well....I guess the only way is to make noona like us and not Euijin-sunbae”, Daniel smirked before he peered over to you, “and..don't you try and have a party in here, you're gonna disturb noona's peaceful sleep”. He smirked mischievously, “we do it everyday afterall~ noona doesn't mind”.

He shook his head strictly, “aniyo, this time...don't... cu'z noona will get dizzy in the morning”.

“finee... but let's sleep here, I'm too lazy to go back”, he slowly shut his eyes close before breathing normally and calmly and soon enough he fell asleep. Daniel on the other hand checked everything else before going to sleep next to you.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now