Chapter 29: Date with Ong Seongwoo 1

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Seongwoo after a lot of bickering between the two on who goes first~

“I wonder what noona gonna wear though? Maybe she's wearing lose sweater with tights since she likes that kind of style”, Seongwoo said to himself as he waited for you from the apartment entrance while his heartbeat was thumping loud on his chest.

“guh! Calm down my heart!!”, he spank his chest, trying his best to calm his heartbeat so he tried to remember what happeneda few weeks ago.


“hyung I'm going first”, Daniel frowned at him.

“no, I'm going first”.

“let's go together then”.

“hell no!”.

“then I'm going first”.

“no! I'm younger than you hyung, so you should give up and be a proper hyung for a while”.

“...that can wait, but I'm a hyung after all, so I'm going first”.

“how about we play rock, paper scissors then to determine the winner?”.

Seongwoo knew he's bad in rock, paper, scissors, so he shook his head with a small pout, “no fair, you'll definitely win it”, he then thought to himself, 'I'm always confident in games but I always know I fail anyway so there's no way I'm gonna play against Daniel like that....knowing he'll win'.

“Then how about we play this ga-”.

“no, I'm still planning on resisting, Daniel~ I'm going first and that's that”.

“no, I'm first”.

“or I'll tell noona that you've hugged a girl before other than noona”.

“wha.....I didn't hug her! I was only helping that girl before she fell down the stairs! Hyung that's not fair!”, he fumed.

Seongwoo smirked, “then allow me to have a date with her first, then I won't tell noona about it”.



He was snickering to himself, “man, I'm awesome”.

“Ong-ah? Sorry for the wait”, he heard a familiar soothing voice so he turned his head to the said voice with a huge smile but then he stared at you and continue to stare.

He knew it was too good to be true but you were wearing the opposite clothes that he thought you'd wear.

You were wearing a cute dress that stops in the middle of your thigh, the dress itself compliments your beautiful skin, it was (f/c) and white stripes with a cute ribbon around your waist complimenting your figure, you also wear a cute small scarf around your neck with a small knot on the side of your neck which was white in colour. Let's just say, you looked like a lolita.

His face instantly burst into red, “gwiyeoptda..”, he muttered under his breath, which you couldn't hear, sadly.

You pursed your lips with a small frown, “do I look that bad?”.

“eh? A-a-a-aniyo! Y-y-y-yeppeosseo”, he stuttered out his words which he internally facepalm. Your eyes widened and cue pink dust decides to appear on your cheeks, “thank you, Ong”.

Seeing this side of you made him excited, 'didn't know noona could be this cute, all I know is she's sexy at times and she never even realize it', he smiled and held out his hand for you to take.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now