Chapter 6: Short

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Your ears perked up as you heard a familiar voice called out your nickname, your gaze shifted from Euijin, to the two guys a few meter behind him. “wae yo?”, you asked, tilting your head at that. “let's go in, it's cold out here”, Daniel smiled at you and quickly jogged to you as he snatched your hand from Euijin's hold.

Shaking your head in disbelief, “then why were you out here if it's cold?”. Seongwoo smiled cheekily, “searching for noona of course!”.

“what? You missed me already? I just left you for a couple seconds and yo-”.

“yes, we missed you”, both of them said at the same time, shocking both you and Euijin.

After shaking your head, waking you up from the sudden shock, you walked back with an annoyed expression, “you guys are annoying, c'mon let's go in, Ong-ah, Niel”. “tehee~”, Daniel quickly went to your side to walk along with you while Seongwoo looked at Euijin with a 'smile' that hides his anger before rushing back next to your other side.

Euijin looked at them as they left him, “what's with them?”.

When you got back to your table, Min-ah got curious, “so? Did he ask you out?”, she smirked. You nodded your head to which they respond with gasps. “What's your answer?”, Juhyun asked. “noona ditched him”, Seongwoo replied simply which made you jabbed his side.

“yah, I did not”.

“then did you accept him??”, Yoora started to fangirl and jumped from her seat to go to you.

You shook your head, “aniyo... I just said we should get to know eachother before we get into this relationship”. Jiyeon nodded her head as if she had expected the outcome, “of course you would've said that, you never really change y'know...the last time you got into a relationship was a year ago, and you completely ditched him after you knew he was after your body”.

You rolled your eyes, “why would I give my body to someone who only wants my body...pabo”, you cringed at the thought.

Daniel wrapped an arm around your neck with a grin, “well of course~ noona is noona after all, you are jjang~!”. Then Seongwoo wrapped his other arm around your neck with a grin, “yup! I agree”.

“you guys are know that, right?”, you glared at both of your side, left Daniel, right Seongwoo. “Euijin-sunbae sure is short”, Seongwoo stiffled his laughter and you jabbed his side again. “meanie”. “atleast he's not shorter than you”, he grinned. You look at him with an obvious annoyed look, “so? You're trying to say here is that you are VERY proud you are tall, tall enough to compete against the eiffel tower, yeah sure”, you mocked with full of sarcasm throughout your voice.

“noona~”, he whined.

“yah made noona angry”, Daniel gave Seongwoo a disappointed look.

“hm... this sure seemed like a triangle love to me”, Juhyun hummed in the end as she eyed the three of you. You looked at Juhyun, “seriously? You are delusional, there's no way these boys like me...well like me as a noona and not more than that anyway”, you then pushed them both away from you before seating at the empty seat before taking a piece of grilled meat into your mouth, “mashita~”.

“noona...”, Seongwoo wrapped his arms around your neck, “I'm really sorry, please forgive me... I promise I won't call you short anymore”.

Daniel heaved out a disrupted sigh and looked at both you and Seongwoo, his action made everybody's attention on the both of you.

“fine”, you rolled your eyes before grabbing his arms and turned your head to look at him, you didn't even realize how close you both were, “it's your promise, okay? I'll ignore you for the rest of my life if you call me that again”. “y-yes, thank you noona!”, he kissed your nose before jumping away in excitement.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now