Chapter 3: Sunbae-nim

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Time flew by and it was already 5pm and you were already done with your research about your assigned thesis in the library.

“hey (name), are you going to the party tonight? Euijin-oppa is buying us”, Min-ah looked at you as she grabbed her things. “sure, where?”, you stood up from your seat. “as usual as always, don't be late, he's expecting you to be there”, she smirked before she waved off to you.

Lee Euijin, he has the looks, the money, and the brain, he is famous with the girls for being a very gentleman guy and rumors also told that he dates bunch of girls but broke up with them within a day. And he is also your senior.

As you got out from the library, you saw Daniel and Seongwoo being flocked with girls.

You looked at them and stiffled your laughter, “pfft!”, before silently tiptoeing away from the crime scene, but that stopped you as you heard both of them yelled, “noona!”at the same time and that led you to run away from them.

That was always your routine, running away when girls flocked them but it never usually worked, the two quickly caught on you and dragged you running with them at the same time, simply to run away from the fangirls.

And as if on cue, the two boys dragged you away as they ran away from their fangirls.

The three of you hid inside the basketball indoor stadium.

Daniel grinned after heaving out deep breath, “that was close”, he then turned his head to look at you with a smile. “I know right, they even knew where we usually go at a time like this”, Seongwoo looked at you after doing the same thing Daniel did.

“why did you drag me into this again?”, you whined before glaring at both of them, “now let me go before I scream that you're bullying your senior”. Both Daniel and Seongwoo chuckled, “we wouldn't mind doing that”.

“geh, you guys are annoying”.

“noona, I heard you are going somewhere tonight, where to?”, Seongwoo stared at you as he squeezed your hand. You blinked your eyes for a moment before looking up at him curiously, “how did you know?”. “you know how rumors spread like wildfire in this campus, right?”, Daniel raised one of his eyebrow with a gentle smile on his face.

“well..Min-ah told me that Euijin-sunbae-nim is buying us dinner, reason? I don't know”, you shurgged your shoulder.

Seongwoo rolled his eyes, “you quickly avoid the question noona”.

“Of course I do~ you guys were bound to ask me that question in the first place anyway”, you smiled sarcasticly. Daniel rubbed his nape dumbfoundedly, “can we come too?”.

“good question”, you gave him a thumbs up, “and the most preferable answer is... I do not know but I'm sure you guys can tag along”.

~~ The said night~~

You wore you short jeans and wore your long-sleeved white blouse with a pattern of a red rose and you also wore your jacket incase you got cold. Walking down from your apartment, you saw someone you didn't expect to be waiting there.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now