Chapter 33: The call

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The date with both of them were a success, despite the weird, funny and scary things that happened. Now the boys were busy with practicing for their audition which will come in a few days. As you were stuck with learning about medical things before you continue your next semester with medical learnings.


Hearing your notification going off, you realized that you forgot to silence your phone. You picked up your phone and saw that the boys send you text.


Do you miss me?


Are you feeling lonely without me?

'these two seems to be bored out of their life there', you chuckled to yourself, 'moreover, these two are texting me at the same time I'm honestly amazed, I'll just reply them later', you thought to yourself as you survey back the book that was infront of you.

30 minutes had passed since you left them unanswered.

Soon enough, you actually forgot to answer them, which left them unanswered for 2 hours straight as you were so coped up with the books and your notes.

What surprised you even more was when your phone suddenly vibrate, making the table vibrate hence an odd sound appeared from your table. You picked up with a small frown, 'who in the world is calling me?'. As you read the i.d name, you've come to realize that you actually forgot to reply them both.

So you went to somewhere less people, and answered the call, "sorry Ongwoo, I'm actually in the library", you said in a small voice.

"you got us worried when you didn't reply"- Seongwoo

"ahahaha, sorry I forgot to answer your text".

"we nearly thought you were kidnapped again"-Daniel

"when exactly was I kidnapped? I never really remembered any of that".


"anywho~ what's up?"

"oh nothing~"-Seongwoo

"we just called to make sure you're still alive"-Daniel

"pabo, don't worry I'm still alive, unless the angel of death decides it's my time to die", you replied dramatically, which made them both laugh out loud, "so how are you guys doing?".

"we're really tired!!! It was so hard practicing for the big day...."-Seongwoo

"and unfortunately they said that we are not allowed to use our phone especially social media once we officially enter the produce 101 trainee"-Daniel

You couldn't help but frowned at that, "does that mean, we're going to less talk with each other..?". After hearing your statement, the two boys fell silent.

"should we ditch this program Kang Daniel?"-Seongwoo

"I'm gonna miss noona while we're there.."-Daniel

"NOOOOOO DO NOT DITCH IT!!! THIS IS YOUR ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY!!! DON'T LET IT GO TO WASTE!!!!", you yelled at them, earning a hush from your surroundings. 'shit I forgot that I'm in the library', you walked out from the library to talk more freely.

"hahaha~ okay okay, we won't.... but while we're working our butts off in the program, make sure that you don't get too close to Euijin-hyung"-Daniel

"did you actually forgot that he's in another program just like us?"-Seongwoo

"....oh, right.... Then can we ask your dongsaeng to take care of you while we're busy?"-Daniel

"Niel..... exactly how old do you think I am??", you asked in a disbelieved tone".


"do you actually think I couldn't take care of myself??? I've been alone for almost 4 years while Jimin is abroad and you still couldn't believe that I am able to take care of myself".

"alright fine"-Daniel

"I'm jealous at you guys"-Seongwoo

"why would you be Ongwoo?"

"he's acting like he's your boyrfriend and all"-Seongwoo

"are you sure?? To me he sounds more of a nagging mom to me", you chuckled to yourself before you felt your sweat trickling down your forehead, "sheeisshhhh is it hot out here? I better go back in".

"how is it hot today? For all I know it's getting colder since winter season is coming"-Seongwoo

"or... are you wearing too much thick clothes on you?"-Daniel

"that might be it... I guess... hey I have to go okay, let's talk later", you smiled through your voice hoping that they could sense your smile through your voice.

"sure do.... Oh and.... The both of us actually had this in mind...... if it's alright with you.... When we debut next year, can you tell us to whom your feeling lies to?"-Seongwoo

"you don't mind waiting right?"-Daniel

"do you actually think I'll be waiting? Aren't you guys the one who had been waiting for my answers??? Ahhahaha~", you shook your head in disbelieve, "but yeah sure, I'm sure by that time I'll have my answers".

"bye (name)-ah!"-Seongwoo

"talk to you next time (name)-ah", Daniel

"hahaha~ sure, goodbye", you hang up and soon after that, you fell on your knees coughing up loudly. 'darn it...I forgot to take my medicine for the month'. 

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now