Chapter 27: Yah, Kang Daniel!

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"so precisely you owe me a kiss", he smirked.

'what? What just happened? Did he just said his reasons while I was contemplating with myself???? Oh shit', you chew your bottom lip before pouting, "I'm hungry", you blurted out.

Daniel and Seongwoo couldn't help but burst out laughing at how you avoided the statement. But heck, you were already hungry to begin with, so the other two decide to comply with your will in the end. Seongwoo bought a box of spicy chicken for take-out to eat at your place.

As you arrived at your apartment while Daniel carried your bicycle, Seongwoo was busying himself by smelling the sweet aroma from the box he was carrying. You can even hear the loud thunder coming out from his stomach. You frowned, "I was the one who said was hungry but you were the one grumbling".

He shrugged his shoulder with an innocent smile, "try carrying this box all the time, the aroma itself is intoxicating". You laughed before shaking your head, "alright then, I won't", you unlocked your door and let the boys enter first because they were carrying things while you were carrying only your body.

"where should I put this?", Daniel turned his head to look at you, and you quickly pointed to the store room near the kitchen. Seongwoo set the table.

You heard loud thuds coming from the store room so you rushed to go to Daniel.

"is everything okay?", you looked and saw Daniel on the ground with piles of books ontop of him and...unused scissors...near his face. "oh no, Niel! Are you okay?", you made sure not to step on anything pointy or him. "it's fine", he grumbled as he tried to sat up properly.

Staring at his face, your eyes widened in horror, "your cheek....there's blood!".

"what's wrong (name)-ah?", Seongwoo came rushing only to gasped as he saw what happened, "oh god... let me help you".

"no it's fine, I'm alright", Daniel insisted as he tried to stood up but you stopped him with a small frown on your face. "no you're not", you pushed him back down before turning your head to Seongwoo, "Ong-ah.. help me clean this mess up before dragging Niel away out from the store room", then you shifted your gaze back to Daniel, "and you, don't you dare move or I'll kill you", you glared at him before starting to pick up the scissors and books with the help of Seongwoo.

Daniel, in his silence, he felt flattered at the affection the girl he loves is showing to him, he couldn't help but smile as he stared at you, whom was busy picking things up with a small yet visible frown on your face.

Once the two of you were done, you held out a hand to Daniel so he could stand up, and he took it gladly.

As Seongwoo left the room, Daniel took the chance to pull you closer to him and whispered to your ear huskily, "I love you", then he planted his warm lips on your forehead, before leaving you there red from head to toe.

Your heartbeat was pounding loud on your chest and you felt fuzzy that makes you slap your own face, to wake you up, " heart can't handle it... but this", you shook your head again before heading back to the kitchen where the two boys were waiting.

You stared at them for a while before fist-bumping your knuckles against your other palm when realization hits you like a tsunami, 'first aid-kit', you looked around and finally remembered where you put it, you head to the cupboard and take it out before going to Daniel with a knowing look.

"unfortunately we have to clean that cut on your cheek Niel, before we eat", you said as you shift your gaze from Daniel to Seongwoo who was pouting. You pinched Seongwoo's cheek, "I know~ I'm starving too". With that simple gesture, Seongwoo grinned ear-to-ear and englufed you into a sudden hug which made you jump on your place.

You push him away gently with a smile before shifting to Daniel who was waiting with a smile on his face. As your fingers roamed the aid-kit to find the medical alcohol and cotton to clean the cut, you could feel Daniel's eyes on you so you stare back at him with a blank face before sticking your tongue out at him in annoyance, "bleehh". He chuckled and did the same thing, which made you laughed.

Finally cleaning the cut you put a band-aid on his cheek, "there you go! Now heating the chicken up before eating, would you guys want some kimchi to pair it up? Oooorr rice?", you peeked at them from the fridge.

"kimchi would be great".

"then kimchi it is".

Taking it out, you placed it on the table and soon enough a 'ting' sound was heard indicating that the chicken is already heated. Seongwoo jumped excitedly before scurrying over to take the chicken out from the oven, with a huge smile on his face.

And so you three started eating.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now