Chapter 15: Teaching

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When you got in, the doctor was waiting there while checking your chart.

“ah, where were you (surname)-sshi? It would be great if you just rest”, he stated while looking at you.

“sorry...I was hungry”.

“I was informed that your guardian couldn't be here due to certain circumstances, so who shall I tell your condition to?”, he asked. You went to the bed to seat down before looking at the other two boys, “could you two wait outside? Once we're done, I'll call you”.

They left you reluctantly.


A few weeks later.

“(name)-ah, have you started studying already?..exam is in 2 days from now”, Juhyun boredly looked at her phone as she asked you. “what exactly do you think I'm doing right now?”, you scratched your head, trying your best to solve your enemy...both arithmetic and chemistry.

You whined, “it's too hard”.

“I know right! And after we do the exams in the morning, we have to be ready to do a presentation about another topic!!”, she groaned in the end.

“damn....I didn't know that”, you facepalmed then you look up at her, “anyway, where're the others?”. “oh? You mean Min-ah and the others? They're drinking”, she simply replied with a shrug. You facepalmed again for the seocnd time, “in the morning like this? Crazy”.

“Hei, I was wondering....I heard those two boys confessed to you, I know it was a few weeks back, but I wanted to know if those rumors were true or not”.


“yeah, I heard from another colleagues, that she saw Kang Daniel-sshi giving you a bouquet of red roses and Ong Seongwoo-sshi giving you 3 boxes of Roycé”, she stare down at you with calculating eyes but then she smirked as she spotted you blushing, “so it is true”, she nodded in acknowledgment before slamming her fist to the table, “then what about Euijin-sunbae?”.

“SHHHHHHHH!!!”, the librarian shushed her.

'Oh, right, we're in the library', you thought.

Shrugging your shoulders you let a breath you didn't know you were holding, “honestly, I have no idea, but I haven't seen sunbae-nim since yesterday”.

She shook her head in disbelief, “didn't you know? The sophomore are having their exams this week”. “no I don't”, your jaw dropped, “no wonder he's busy all the time”.

“but I guess the other two boys aren't”, she chuckled, looking at the figures walking to you from behind you. “well.. those boys don't have exam this week....Ong and Niel said next month”, you mumbled.

“morning (name)-ah~”, Seongwoo wrapped an arm around your neck, making you jumped on your place. “kkamchagiya! (you surprised me!)”, you squeaked, “seriously if I die of heart attack, I might blame you Ong-ah”, you frowned at him and he quickly held up his hands in a surrender way.

“don't say that~”, he pouted which made you laugh since it was so not him.

“you seem busy, (name)”, the other blondie peeked through your shoulder, “studying arithmetic hm? I think I can help you with that...but if it's chemistry...that might be Seongwoo-hyung's specialty”, he nodded to himself before looking at you from the side with a bright bunny smile.

“really? That's great! Now if you don't mind, help me with this one”, you excitedly pointed to the past year paper. He smiled at you, feeling grateful and full of relief that you didn't change that much even after he confessed to you, day by day he thought you might hate him but it was otherwise.

Whereas Seongwoo, him being him, kept on staring at you with a small smile drawn on his small upper lip. He was more than happy when he find out you were into them and not Euijin (he agreed to himself that way so he won't get hurt), hence the boy's feelings for you was becoming even more bigger than he expected, he never fell in love with a girl that hard.

Juhyun silently took picture of the three of you, so she could tease you next time when you two were together.

The boys took turn in helping you study.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now