Chapter 14: Annoyance

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"mashita~", you hummed in delight after finally finishing it for fifteen minutes while the boys already finished it by five minutes.

"noona you're a slow eater", Daniel smirked. You looked at him, "no, you're the one that eats like you never have eaten for a long time", you pinched his arm in annoyance to which he was amused. "no noona, we didn't", he shook his head with a-not-surrender-look a.k.a innocent look, he doesn't seem to give up any time soon, so you played along, "you did".

"we didn't".

"you did".

"we didn't".

"you did".

"we didn't".

"you did".

"we didn't".

"you did".

"we didn't".

"you did".

"we didn't".

"you did".

"we didn't".

"you did".

"we did".

"you......did", you smirked to yourself in the end before cheering for yourself, "I won~".

"I did it on purposely", he barked back.

"no you didn't".

"yes, I did".

"no, you didn't".

"yes I did".

"no you didn't".

"yes I did".

"no you didn't".

"yes I did".

" better stop, yah Daniel, kkeumanhae(stop it)", the ravenette nudged his friend's shoulder, "as much as I like bothering noona all the time, I hate seeing you two bickering the same topic again and again". "see? Ong is annoyed already", you wrapped your arm around the said ravenette's arm with a sneaky grin plastered on your face.

"waw noona, this part of you, I like~", Seongwoo decides to make a derp face again, his favourite one at that, the cross-eye.

You pushed him away in annoyance, "Ong-noyying", you rolled your eyes as you quickly head to the elevator and quickly pushed it close but the two boys were much quicker than the elevator door, they put their arms into the elevator so it could open once again.

Daniel patted your head, "that's not nice, (name)-ah".

"'re dropping the honorifics all of a sudden", you frowned, not that afraid to cover it up. Daniel smiled, "if we're gonna end up in a relationship, wouldn't it be okay to drop the honorifics?", he scooted closer to you, which made you look away.

"she's not yours yet, okay... I'm still here, can't you see me?", Seongwoo pointed to himself, getting annoyed even more.

"I can't see you....wait, who just talked?", Daniel looked around in a mocking way, which made you laughed out loud.

"Yah! Just because I'm ONE centimeter shorter than you, you're trying to do that to me", he gritted his teeth before drilling holes in Daniel's head with his laser beam eyes. "y' two might end up together-", your line were cut off by both of them.

"never!", they yelled in unison.

You stifled your laughter, "if you say so~", you said in a sing-song voice before you got out from the elevator to your assigned room, with the two boys following you from behind like a guard.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now