Chapter 18: we're sorry

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After he send you to Jiyeon's place, he wondered to himself so he went to your apartment to check what might be wrong.

As he stared at the door, he was surprised to see the door suddenly went open revealing two devastating looking men, coming out from your room.

“what are you doing here?”, Euijin tilt his head in utter confusion.

“hyung... have you seen (name)-noona?”, Seongwoo was panting heavily as if he had been running through the whole town without a stop. Euijin raise his one eyebrow, “what's up with you?”. “tell me hyung, have you seen her???”. “chill, I just left her in her friend's house, here I wondered why she didn't want to go back to her apartment”, he shook his head in disbelief.

“which friend?”, Daniel continued to pursue.

“uh.. Jiyeon-sshi”, he slowly replied.

“Thank you hyung!”, Daniel patted Euijin's shoulder before hurrying himself to the elevator.

“we owe you hyung!”, the other ravenette patted his other shoulder before quickly following after Daniel's footstep.

“UWAAK!! BUG!!!”.

Hearing Daniel's words made Euijin laughed, “I wonder what happened”.

That night, the two poor boys quickly drove to Jiyeon's house, hoping to see you.

“yah, Daniel... what am I going to say to (name)-noona?”, he chew his bottom lip, restless at the thought of you getting mad at him. The other boy shrugged his shoulder, “both of us are at fault we are”, he parked the car right infront of the house door.

Seongwoo ran to the door and rang the doorbell, “chogi yo, chogi yo,chogi yo, chogi yo, chogi yo chogi yo, chogi yo”, and it was noisy.

Right on time, the door flew open revealing a pissed off looking mid-age man, who seemed to be Jiyeon's father, “who are you? And why are you here?”. “let me handle this Seongwoo-hyung”, Daniel placed a hand on Seongwoo's shoulder before turning his body fully to Jiyeon's father, “annyeong haseyo abo-nim, we are hoobae from Taeil College and also a close friend of (name)-noona and a acquaintances of Jiyeon-noona, we are here to talk with (name)-noona, please”, he bowed his head with a charming smile.

Jiyeon's father narrowed his eyes on him, “what about that guy?”, he ushered to Seongwoo who was looking down, embarrassed. “ani...I mean... know how the feeling of being rejected by someone you love right? You just wouldn't let them go easily...but in my case here, I accidentally hurt (name)-noona's feelings.... me, Daniel and Euijin-hyung liked (name)-noona, so we decide to play a game... who won (name)-noona's heart, wins the game.....but (name)-noona had misunderstood about it....she thought we were playing with her feelings. HONESTLY I might've murdered the guy who'd hurt (name)-noona's you let me meet with (name)-noona?”.

The mid-age man stared at him before smiling, “so it's like the three of you like the same girl, hunh? Ah, youth... I missed that, anyway, you don't really have to come in, (name)-ah is actually right here”, he pointed to the girl hiding behind the grand door.

“NOONA!”, the two men quickly glomped you as they FINALLY saw you.

“please...don't run away like that”, Seungwoo had tears in his eyes as he finally pulled away a bit to inspect your face. You stared at his face, “I'm sorry”, and then you looked away.

“no we're sorry, it was our fault”, Daniel released you from the hug and look down with a sad expression on his face, but you shook your head, “'s mine”, you held both of their cheek and tilt it so they could look at your face eventhough they are already tall, “if I hadn't misundertood and ran guys didn't have to suffer.... I'm sorry”.

“geez, next time we're gonna follow you every where you go”, Daniel smiled cheekily. You quickly shook your head, “please don't”. “why not?”, Seongwoo narrowed his eyes on you catching suspicious aura around you.

“are you perhaps....afraid of your bullies”, he hit the jackpot.

You shook your head again, “a-aniyo... there're no bullies to begin with”, you avoided eye contact with both of them.

“hei (name)-ah, so tell me are you going to stay here or what?”, you heard Jiyeon's voice from behind so you quickly head to her and tell her that you decide to just stay at your apartment now that it was all okay in the end.

And so... you decide to change topics while you're at it, “Ong-ah, Niel, let's go back”, you smiled up to them and they nodded with the same smile on their faces.

On your way there, you fell asleep on the passenger seat next to Daniel who was driving while keeping on stealing glances of you. Seongwoo looked at Daniel, “ better concentrate on driving”.

“arasseo...but seriously, (name)-noona is really cute when she know that too right?”, he chuckled at the end of his words. “of course! I watched her sleep everytime we have a sleepover at her apartment!”, he said to himself with a proud look on his face.

“(name)-noona might've called you byuntae or a creep if she heard what you just said”, he smirked.

“whatever~ I know deep down she likes me”.

“so self conceited hyung”, he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

“we should stay at her apartment tonight, it's already late anyway”.

“good idea”.


My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now