Chapter 31: Date with Kang Daniel 1

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Daniel said to just wait at the apartment so he could pick you up, he said he'll come when it's around 4pm which was a bit late, so you were just waiting there while pouting, looking at your phone watch and breathed out an exasperated sigh, "2 more hour.....".

"1 more hour..."




"40 more minutes...".




"15 more minutes...".

"15 more minutes​? Wait.... I haven't change my clothes yet!", you quickly got up on your feet and flipped out because you didn't know what to wear.

After rummaging through your drawers and your dressers, you decide to wear something sophisticated yet simple in the eyes, you grabbed your denim jacket, with only a white tank top to go with it and skinny jeans.

Brushing your hair out of your eyes you smiled to yourself in the mirror, "I guess this is how I'm going on my first date with Niel".

A knock on the door, tells you that he had arrived.

You brushed yourself before you take your bag with you and skidded over to the door before opening, revealing a smiling Daniel right behind the door.

Surprisingly, he was wearing the same thing as yours, denim jacket as if you two had planned on wearing the same thing.

He stared at your attire before he smiled even more brightly, if that was possible, "wow, didn't know you wanted to follow my attire, (name)-ah~", he cooed making your face red to your ears, this guy.

"I wasn't following you, I...didn't even planned it....where are you taking me today?", you fiddled at the hem of your denim jacket with a small yet cute pout that Daniel couldn't help but stare even longer. He slipped his warm long fingers along your petite ones, "I'm not sure you've been there yet, but let's go play".

'Huh?', was the only sound that escaped your soft lips.

He drove you to a place, which was connected with a small yet elegant restaurant, but you didn't go to the restaurant. 'what a bummer', you pouted to yourself.

He dragged you into the said place where there were ten familiar looking pins/bottle and a colorful ball with three small holes painted at the wallpaper, and that's when you realized that he brought you to play bowling.

"oh my god", your jaw dropped at the place before excitedly looking back at Daniel who only watched you, "we're playing bowling today?". He grinned back and nodded, "c'mon let's get our shoes first".

After borrowing two pair of bowling shoes from the counter and renting the bowling for yourselves, you sat excitedly on the bench, staring at the (f/c) ball that was rolling next to you, along with another (2ndf/c), there were also two other bowling that Daniel picked for himself blue and black glitters, you didn't even realize that Daniel was crouching down infront of your legs, staring at you with a cute smile on his face.

"(name)-ah", he finally called, making you turn your head to Daniel. "yes Niel?". "do you mind if I help you put on your shoes?", he asked sweetly while both his hands were holding your bowling shoes. Tilting your head to one side with a beautiful calm smile gracing your features, you replied, "I don't mind".

He grinned even wider as he slipped off your shoes from your foot and wrap the bowling shoes to your petite feet before tying it tightly so you won't slip or fell or any of that sort, all the while you were watching him with thumping heart, unconsciously your hand reached for his light brown locks and running your finger along it. Making him look up at you with a light blush on his face.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now