Chapter 35: "We miss her"

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Both Daniel and Seongwoo were separated through out their mission, they also had to go with their agencies, and both had different entertainment, they also decide to fight to survive during the dreadful missions that were designated for them. Firstly there were separated by grade, Seongwoo with an A while Daniel with a B.

But not once did they forgot to think about the girl they fell for.

"please wait for us, okay?", they muttered at the same time while looking out through the dark night after practicing a lot.

There they made new friends, some were talented, some were genius, some were very confident, while others were hardworking and some nearly gave up due to the dances and hitting the high notes during vocal training.

[Miru's note:~ actually.... To be honest...... I don't really remember that much about what actually happened during the Program, so Imma just do my best researching and applying heheh]

Daniel were helping his other fellow B-mates in dancing since he memorized it perfectly as he received so much praise by the mentors and the other B-mates. Whereas Seongwoo was trying his best to practice his dance since he was a bit slow-learner..

That night before they practice infront of the camera they were told to call one person only, both Seongwoo and Daniel were conflicted.

The thought of the girl they fell for comes into mind but at the same time, the two boys were unwilling to disturb your time as they thought you were doing your small thesis of your own, so they did what a natural person would, they called their mom.

After their change in grades with both Daniel and Seongwoo in the same grade A, the different mission and the elimination had started.

"hey Daniel, aren't you curious what noona is doing right about now?", Seongwoo asked while practicing his dance along with Daniel which was a cover song "Sorry Sorry".

"3,4.... Hum? Honestly it's hard to read her at times, but that's what make her even more I don't know?", he ended his words with an unsure tone. Seongwoo grinned, "you know what I think?". He nodded for him to continue. "I think noona is thinking about us fufu~", he grinned derpily, "especially me, cu'z I'm more charming than you".

Daniel rolled his eyes in annoyance, "you sure about that? I'm very sure I am much more charming when it comes to flirting (name)-noona, hyung", one end of his lips quirked up in a smirk manner after ending his proud statement.

A tick mark appeared on the side of Seongwoo's face after hearing his words, "oh yeah? I'll prove you wrong by debuting and getting the number one in rank, hmmph!", he dance while slightly glaring at Daniel, who only laughed in return.

"hey, we're debuting together, I'll fight my way to join you in the top 11 and if I can, I'll grab the first rank and beat you hyung", he snickered. Seongwoo narrowed his eyes on Daniel for about a few seconds of speculating his intention, before nodding his head, "agreed then! Let's do our best!".

After practicing for a while, they stopped as soon as they saw the others coming to them, "Seongwoo hyung, can you help me with this?", Kim Jaehwan plead. "sure okay", he scurried over to Jaehwan, whilst Daniel followed him from behind, also in the midst of helping Jaehwan.

As, the both of them were helping Jaehwan, he couldn't help but be curious.

"Seongwoo-hyung, Daniel-hyung... I'm actually curious, where did you get the inspiration to sing and dance so well?", he asked.

Seongwoo went silent for a while, thinking of a right answer to tell him. Daniel noticed it so he scratched the back of his head before replying, "we....actually got the inspiration from someone, someone who is multi-talented, ahahaha, especially in game".

The two boys turned their head to look at each other with a small frown, 'we miss her'. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now