Chapter 9: Bullies again?

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Then someone, no, 2 girls interrupted your peaceful eating time.

She cleared her throat, “(name)-eonni..we need to talk to you for a moment”. You look up from your food and notice she was one of the girls that punched you yesterday. Crossing your arms across your chest, you raise an eyebrow at her with a demanding look, “you can talk to me here now though, so?”.

She looked away, really annoyed at your cocky behaviour.

“it's personal matter, meet me at the back of the library”, she said before rolling her eyes at you but then batting her eyelashes to both Daniel and Seongwoo before bowing her head to Euijin who didn't know what's going on but caught on something.

You looked down and breathed out an annoyed sigh internally, “I'll be going, see ya”, you stood up. “I'm going with you, (name)-sshi”, Euijin stood up, holding his tray. “eh? No it's okay, I can go alone”, you insisted. “aniya, I have a bad feeling about her, so I'm coming with you”, he grabbed your arm and asisted you to where they put the tray and then he also asisted you to go the library.

“acting all high and mighty like that”, Seongwoo rolled his eyes. “but...what does he mean by having a bad feeling about that girl?”, Daniel furrowed his brows together. “That. I don't know, wanna chek it out?”. “of course!”.

While with you~

You checked your phone as you received a message from an unknown number, it said.

From: 198-XXX-XXX
come alone, don't you bring anyone along with you

“um... Euijin-sunbae-nim, I'm gonna head to the toilet for a moment, I'll be back”, you smiled to him. He looked at you and smile before nodding his head, “sure, but if you're taking too long, I'll come and get you”. You giggled and shook your head in disbelief, “seriously? Ahahaha~ it's the girl's toilet, girls might call you byuntae”, you laughed in the end before leaving him.

You head straight to the back of the building to meet with those unsatisfied girls. As you saw the three of them who were talking with each other behind the wall, you walked closer to them.

“what do you guys want?”, you looked at them with bored eyes.

The three girls looked at you with a disgusted look.

“you seriously don't understand what 'Stay away from them' means don't you?”, the queen bee crossed her arms across her puff out chest while enclosing the distance between you two.

Cocking an eyebrow at them, you tilt your head and did the same posture the queen bee did, which made them more annoyed, “I do understand, so what?”. “girls!”, she grinded her teeth, the other two girls quickly went to your either side and locked your arms so you couldn't resist.

She tilted your head with her index finger so your face was facing hers directly. Your face remains the same, bored. “STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!”, she slapped your cheek hardly, causing a sound to echo. You winced and cussed under your breath, 'seriously if killing was legal, I would've sent a hitman to kill these obsessive girls'.

To annoy those girls even more, you put on a blank look on your face after regaining back your composure.

“why the fuck are you girls so angry anyway? If you like them you can just tell them, what's so bad about tha-”, with that you received another blow on your stomach. 'darn it, I just ate!'. “you're annoying!!”, she kicked your knee and your stomach, staining your shirt with dirt from her shoes.

You felt your arms being squeezed by the other two girls who were annoyed by your behaviour.

'they don't know the meaning of respect any longer do they? I'm their eonni for god sake!!!', it was getting out of hand as you felt one of the girls squeeze the spot where your body fail to give you energy anymore, resulting in your daze state.

The next thing you knew, you see darkness.


“oh shit...”

“let's leave her!”.

“good idea”.

“! Noona! Where are you?”.


“wha-? (name)-sshi?!”.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now