Chapter one

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Clarke's point of view:
-Blake that is not fair! You are much stronger than me. I said and Bellamy just laughed at me.
-Well, I don't agree with you princess. Except that you are right that I am stronger. Bellamy said and lighly pushed me in the arm. Bellamy is nineteen years old. He can be a real jackass time to time. Still that doesn't stop him from being my best friend. He has a little sister. Her name is Octavia, who is the same age as me. She is a real drama queen. We all love her anyway. Who wouldn't?
-Bell! I brust out.
-Guys just stop it. Just please don't argue today. It is a friday night. I need to study since I have a few exams on monday. You two on the other hand can go out and party. Octavia said annoyed. Bellamy and I immediatly stopped arguing.
-O, I have nothing to wear. I said. I didn't have time to come up with a real excuse. Since Octavia is Octavia she always knows how to solve a problem. Even if it is a small or big problem she can solve it.
-Just take my black and short dress. It will show of your sexy curves and you will look really hot. Octavia said. Somehow I was disappointed since I don't really wanna go.
-It will show of to much  cleavage and skin. Clarke can't wear it. Bellamy said.
-Thank you Bell. No wait! You don't think I can pull it of! O, give me the dress. I said. She just pointed at her woredrobe. I have to get it myself. It's not a problem. I got the dress and told Bellamy to wait. A few minuters later I came out of the bathroom.
-That I call a sexy bitch! Octavia said.
-Princess, I have to admit you look sexy in that dress. Still it shows to much for my liking. Bellamy told me truthfully.
-I can help you change it a little so you don't show to much cleavage . Hopefully it will make Bell agreeing with me that you can wear it. Octavia said and got of her bed there she sat amd studied for mondays exams.
It's 20:47 when Bellamy and I leave to go out and party. Almost every friday Bell and I go out partying. He likes to call me his wing man, even if I'm a girl. I have nothing against it. He helps me out when I got my problems at parties with others. When I'm not intrested in someone who is hitting on me, and wants to score for the night, Bellamy scares them away. He has his reputation of being, well Bellamy Blake. No one really wants to get on his wrong side.
Sum it up, I help Bellamy to get laid, even tho he doesn't need thr help. For some reason that I haven't figure out yet, he wants my help with it. And the boys stays away whenever I am not in the mood. All our friends thinks that mine and Bellamy's friendship is weird. I don't see why.
-Let's go princess. Bellamy said and led me out of the room.
-Eager much? I asked and laughed as I got into Bellamy's car.
-The girls love me. Bellamy said.
-In your dreams Blake. I said.
-You love me. Bellamy said as he started the car.
-Obviously I do since you are my best friend. You are still annoying and a jerk. I said. Bellamy just chuckled and turned up the music on the radio.
-I couldn't hear the last part. Bellamy said. I just rolled my eyes and started to sing along with the music that was blasting through the car speakers. Then we drove in on a parking lot, turned down thr music and got out of the car.
-Do I really look okay? I don't want to look, you know slutty. I said.
-Don't worry princess. You look gorgeous. Bellamy said. It made me feel a little better.
-If someone does sometving inappropriate toward you, just let me know and they will have to answer to me. Bellamy said and we walked into the bar. Always so protective. It's not a real party, for Bellamy it will be at night while I get home.
I sat down at the bar and ordered drinks for Bellamy and I. I looked over at Bellamy. He is already talking to someone. Oh well, guess I get his drinks. Not that I am complaining or anything. To my lucky, Miller were there. Except for me, Miller is the closest as a best friend to Bellamy. Je has always been like a big brother to me. Miller is the same age as Bellamy.
-Your guy is already checking out another girl. Miller said. I just rolled my eyes. Not this again.
-Bell's not my guy. He's my best friend. There is a difference. I pointed out. Now it was Miller's turn to roll his eyes.
-You are always hanging out, are best friends and you tell each other that you love one another. Why do you think that Blake is still single? Miller said.
-Why wouldn't I want to hang out with my best friend? There isn't a problem with a boy and girl who are best friends. Love each other? That we do. But only as best friends. Answer to your question about why he's still single. Bell doesn't want to settle down with any of his hook ups. I said.
-Because the only one he wants to settle down with is you princess. Miller said.
-Only I am allowed to call her princess. And who do I want to settle down with? Bellamy said as he now were standing right behind me.
-Miller says that you want to settle down with me and no one else. I admitted. Why hide it?
-I am already in college. Clarke and my sister are soon going of off to college to. Since they both have applied for the same college as mine, and both got accepted I have a plan. Since I am living in a small apartment for only two people. We can move to a bigger apartment. That way both you and Octavia can move in. And we all will go to college together. I am not settling down if that's what you are thinking. Anyhow let's not keep talking about this. We are out to have fun together. Aren't we? Bellamy told Miller and I. 
-Then buy me a drink. I said. 
-As the princess wish. Bellamy said.
-It's on the house. Don't tell my boss. Miller said and poured some liquid into a glass for me to drink.
-That's strong. I said when I placed the glass on the bar. The rest of the evening went pretty smoothly. Pretty much how it usually is. I am too drunk to remember anything of this tomorrow. I'd been sitting at the bar talking to this guy Finn. He seems to be nice. Or it can be the alcohol talking.

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