A Secret For Two ~ Part 8

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In a matter of hours, things swiftly went from bad to worse.

BTS' Jimin and TWICE's Mina spotted hugging on the balcony of TWICE's dorm. Dating rumours spread like wildfire.

"No way... TWICE has a dating ban."

"He's too handsome for her."

"Ha, they won't last a week."

"She's such a snake."

"It's no surprise someone as incompetent as Jimin would do something as dumb as this."

"They had no talent anyways. What morons. They belong together."

"I was right, the only thing they're good at is screwing up."

"Well, there goes two of South Korea's Kpop groups."

"Jimin, you could do so much better."

"Wow, I thought they were decent."

"I actually liked them before."

"If they're smart, they'll break up with each other."

"JYP and BigHit, what a bunch of amateurs."

             Mina's heartbeat rose at an exponential rate as she scrolled through page after page of netizen remarks. JYP himself watched over her with a stern eye. She was called to his office first thing in the morning. He wasted no time in yelling at her for the events of the previous night.

"Do you see what your actions have done, what they've cost us? Is this all a joke to you? A big game?" His furious voice resonated off the walls. Mina couldn't find her voice. "You've just put your entire career at risk! Not to mention the careers of all your members and this whole company! With all this at stake, you mean to tell me that you are in a relationship?!"

"I-I..." Mina stuttered.

"All nine members of TWICE collectively spent years training. You all gave up your childhoods for a chance to debut, finally starting your careers, and this is how you choose to spend it?!" The interrogation was too much to bear for Mina. She didn't know what to do. JYP sighed and sat down, running his hands ruefully and aggressively through his hair. He then looked up at her, his hard eyes softening for a fraction of a second before resuming their usual frightening demeanour. "This isn't just a small crush? Weak feelings? Do you really see a future with him?"

           With much less hesitation, Mina met his eyes and responded. "Y-Yes, I do." She then quickly looked back down at her fidgeting hands folded on her lap.

           JYP groaned in response. "If you were anyone else, you would be able to have this luxury. But, you are an idol. It's time you start acting like one." he said, harshly. "It does not give me much pleasure to do this. But, we both know why I must. You are to cease all contact between you and Park Jimin. Distance yourself from him and the rest of BTS. You are not an exception to the dating ban. I thought we were clear when you signed this contract. If not, I will have no choice but to terminate it. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." Mina said, her voice soft and sad.

"Do it. Now." JYP demanded. Knowing what he was referring to, she took out her phone from her purse and promptly deleted the contacts of every single BTS member, right in front of him. Her finger stopped and quivered over the last contact to delete, Jimin's profile picture gazing up at her. But with an air of finality, she finished the deed. Noticing that Mina had all seven contacts, JYP asked yet another daunting question. "Do you have something else to tell me? Are any of the other members of TWICE dating someone?"

              Mina's heartbeat quickened once again, knowing what she had to do. "No. It's just me." JYP nodded, his eyebrows furrowed. "I will search their phones tomorrow. If I find any contacts they shouldn't have, there will  be consequences." He stood up to leave. "I wish I could give you that pleasure, but your contract was crystal clear. I'm very disappointed, Mina. I expected more from you." On that final note, he swiftly exited the room, his last words ringing in her ears.

               She didn't know how long she just sat there, frozen in place. She couldn't find the strength to get up. Her eyes were lifeless and sad, their usual glint was gone. Finally, when she did stand up, she struggled to stumble back to her dorm. The moment she opened the front door, she was swarmed by her members, bombarding her with question after question. How did it go? Was she okay? No, she most definitely was not. But, she couldn't bring herself to talk just yet. Mina walked wordlessly past her members and climbed up the stairs towards her room.

                It was only then, when she closed her door and collapsed on her bed, that she remembered how to cry.

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