From Within The Rubble ~ Part 2

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               Freezing air began to surround them, seeping in through the unseen cracks. The winter wind was far too cold. Jimin blew warm air through his fingers in an attempt to warm up from the increasing chill. Once again, he was at a loss for what to do. The silence was now quite awkward, tension slowly building in the air. He wanted to start a conversation or say something -anything- to break the ice. However, nothing seemed to escape his mouth. For one thing, this was a girl. How are you supposed to act around a girl? He couldn't seem to recall anymore. 

              Jimin sighed. I'm being silly, I talk to girls all the time... I've met thousands of ARMYs before.  But, something told him that she was different. For some reason, he was rendered completely helpless and shy. A blundering mess. Jimin couldn't understand. Why did she, of all people, have that effect on him? He couldn't even see her. He was only aware of the tiny space left between them as they sat, leaning against a puny, non-collapsed section of the wall. Jimin's heart rate sped up, pounding loudly in his ears. Could she hear it? No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't speak to her. He just couldn't. However, all of that was forgotten when a soft whimper reached his ears.

"Mina? What's wrong?" he asked, cautiously.

"N-Nothing." she replied, quickly. Maybe she was as nervous as him. The thought cheered him up a bit, instilling him with newfound confidence. However, his thoughts turned serious once again as she elaborated further. "I-. I think I'm bruising up." She touched the tender area with her delicate fingers, then hissed in pain. This new information sent Jimin into a wave of panic. Of course there was bruising; she was crushed by concrete for goodness' sake. Jimin sat bolt upright, his eyes wide. He felt ashamed that he didn't recognize the extremity of her injuries. What if she was suffering from internal bleeding? Or a broken bone?

"Anything else?" Jimin asked. "Broken ribs?"

"No... I think I'm okay, sunbaenim." she replied, weakly. Her voice tapered off.

"Okay, good. We still need to get you to a hospital." Jimin hoped someone would find them soon. Suddenly, a small "Oh!" escaped her mouth. Perplexed, Jimin called out into the silence. 


No answer.

            Then, her entire body slumped against his.

"Mina!" Jimin cried out, but to no avail. He grabbed her seemingly lifeless body and pulled her close. Her exposed skin was ice cold. She was conscious, but could only softly mumble incoherent words. His eyes widened in panic as he realized what was happening.


            Now that she lay in his arms, Jimin noted that she only had a short skirt and small top on. Her stage outfit was definitely not fit for the mid-winter freeze that surrounded them. To add on to his worries, she was extremely skinny, with not enough body mass to conserve heat. Jimin pressed his fingers to her neck. Thump.   Thump.   Thump. Her pulse was weak, but at least her heart was beating. He couldn't do anything but try to warm her up as best he could. Once again, Jimin felt sad that he hadn't known... That he'd never noticed her suffering. At least his stage outfit included a coat, so he was doing quite well in the cold. Jimin took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. Cradling her in his arms and hugging her small figure close, he tried to transfer his body heat into hers. Come on, Mina. Please be okay...

          He sat there for what seemed like hours, just hugging her tight, her head tucked into his neck. She was still cold, but much better than before. She was simply asleep now, unknowingly snuggling into Jimin's warmth in her deep slumber. Jimin could feel himself nodding off,  but he was far from asleep. In fact, he couldn't help but mentally freak out each time she snuggled closer to him. He couldn't stop blushing and was constantly flooded with an embarrassed, yet pleasant warmth. He seemed to be doing just fine without a jacket now.

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