More Than Gold ~ Part 4

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There's no turning back now.

     Mina could see the golden gates of the castle up ahead. She had spent the morning slowly but surely hiking up the winding path that led her through countless gorgeous green hills and eventually towards the castle. Although she had spent many days looking up at the castle's glory from below, the familiar sight was nothing compared to how it looked up close. Mina felt her jaw drop closer and closer to the ground the nearer she got to the castle. The sun glistened off of what seemed like hundreds of towers and turrets that snaked their way around one another. The stone walls were covered in climbing ivy branches, adding to the overall ethereal appearance. It was as if she had taken a glimpse into a parallel universe; one so completely opposite to the world she was used to.

     She was so lost in thought that she didn't register the thundering of hooves behind her until it was almost too late. With a gasp, Mina jumped out of the way as a glimmering horse-drawn carriage sped past her, rattling all the way up to the castle. After recovering from the shock of almost being flattened alive, Mina squinted up at the horizon. She could just make out the shapes of dozens of carriages waiting in line to drop off their precious cargo. Each was more beautiful than the next, having been bejeweled with priceless gemstones and gilded with various concentrations of gold and silver. Even the most plain carriage was upholstered in fine silk. Having walked for hours just to get to the castle, Mina felt out of place.

     Nonetheless, Mina tried to hold her head high and continue to walk forward. You're not an outsider if you don't want to be on the inside, she told herself. Mina finally drew near the gates and watched as the other girls began to make themselves known. The footmen of the carriages were all dressed in magnificent attire. Each stepped off the front of their respective carriage to open the door for the person they served inside. Mina watched as some of the other chosen girls started to step out of their carriages. Whoa.

     Each girl wore huge ball-gown dresses fit for a queen. Some held decorative fans, while others held flowers for show. Their faces all looked the same; caked in powder to ensure that their skin shone like pearls. Their lips and cheeks were painted red as the darkest cherries. In their hair, many sported jewels or roses woven into the intricate hairstyles that piled in curls high above their heads. Each girl loaded themselves with jewelry. Even from afar, Mina could make out the many rings on each of their fingers, as well as the huge necklaces and giant dazzling earrings each wore. Behind them, their footmen and servants began to unload mountains of luggage.

     Mina looked down at herself. She was still wearing that simple, elegant white-pink dress from the previous day. Her earrings were classic, and she wore the nicest heels she could find at the seamstress' store. Given that their town was a living dump, she had tried her best. Mina never really opted to wear makeup, but had decided to purchase some at a small town she passed by on her way here. She had put the tiniest bit of rouge on her cheeks and lips, but that was as far as she was willing to go. Mina's grip tightened on the one bag she had packed. She felt underdressed and unprepared despite her better judgement. The only reason she had tried to dress nicely was out of respect for the King and the privilege given to her in inviting her to the castle. But now, it seemed as though she would never be able to blend in. 

     In a sudden flash of determination, Mina scolded herself. She didn't need to blend in. She didn't want to be here. She was just going to make the most out of this situation, then leave and move on with her life. She looked down at herself again. Mina felt really good about how she looked. Really good. She didn't want to look good for the prince, so she opted to look nice for herself instead. And with that, Mina trudged forward.

     The other girls had begun to make small talk amongst themselves, and as Mina drew closer, a collective hush fell upon the group. Maybe she could make some friends while she was here. Breathing in deeply, Mina offered them her kindest smile. She was hoping for another smile, or even a wave in return. All she got was stares. And so, plucking up her courage, Mina put down her bag and tried to speak.

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