More Than Gold ~ Part 21

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     Jimin was trying to concentrate. He really was. It's not like he wanted to keep missing his mouth with his fork when he tried to eat. This was the third time he had to wipe his face right in front of everyone. He was a prince, for crying out loud. Jimin could feel his father's harsh, burning glare upon him, even as they were on opposite sides of the table. Like every evening, all thirty women ate dinner with the King and, of course, the prince - who wasn't acting very princely at the moment. But who could blame him? He felt giddy and restless. Butterflies still fluttered around in his chest and mind. This perpetual sensation had been going on for days. Why, you ask?

    Mina kissed him.

     Sure, it was only on the cheek, but he had been in a state of complete and utter bliss since then. He could think of nothing else, for the memory was still just as vivid as ever. It was as perplexing as it was wonderful. 

     In fact, it was almost as if he had been in a trance. Perhaps it was something about her eyes in the firelight, or maybe the faint floral scent that seemed to follow her around. It could have been the nervous biting of her lower lip; he couldn't stop glancing at it. He could vaguely remember stepping closer and closer. He knew nothing would come out of it; that he had to stop. And yet, he couldn't. Her presence was almost intoxicating. Jimin had known nothing of women or what it was like to feel love, but he felt that this was the closest he had ever been to knowing so. He felt dizzy and light-headed. What he would have given to close that gap between them - to capture her mouth with his own? But he knew he would never want to impose on her. Jimin had been trained to be the perfect gentleman. This strange feeling was making him do things he never would have done before. 

       Just as he was about to back up and apologize, he was once again affixed on the spot by the delicate caress of her hand on his cheek. Jimin could only watch as she drew closer, feeling the sweet warmth of her breath on his skin. His heart was pounding so loudly, he was sure she would be able to hear it. And then suddenly, there it was.

    As soft as a petal falling upon his cheek, her lips met his skin. It was light, warm, and tender, unlike anything he had ever experienced before. A thousand emotions flitted through his mind; elation, surprise, joy, confusion... and was that love? He liked to think so. But as soon as it had begun, he felt the warmth of her lips leave him. The conflicted look on her face concerned him, but his mind was already overwhelmed with what had just occurred. Jimin stood there, completely frozen, as Mina slipped through the door to her chambers and slammed shut it behind her. Jimin didn't know how long he stood there, staring at a door like a complete, lovestruck idiot with one hand still resting upon the spot she had kissed.

    Just thinking of it spread a newfound warmth from his ears to his toes. 

"Are you alright, your highness? You're looking a bit feverish."

   Jimin was jolted back to his present surroundings. Oh, right. He was supposed to be eating dinner. His red-tinged ears drew suspicious looks from the women around him. Great, more unwanted attention. Jimin grabbed another forkful from his plate and was careful to not miss his mouth for the fourth time. Once he had hopefully convinced those at the table that he was a functioning human being again, Jimin looked up from his meal at a certain girl purposefully seated in the most inconspicuous spot. Mina ate delicately and had her eyes trained on her plate. Jimin didn't understand how she could look so ... perfect. Was she aware of how she could make the simplest acts a wonder to behold? Did she know of the effect she had on him? Jimin appropriately questioned if he had already lost his sanity. At this point, he wouldn't have cared, for he had never felt so happy. 

     And then he came to an abrupt realization, Mina hadn't so much as spared him a glance since that night. His days were, against his will, filled with activities for all thirty women. They just hadn't found the time for them to just be... them - just the two of them. Even so, there was a part of him that grew more nervous with each passing moment. He would have thought she would send him a smile every now and then, or at least lock eyes for a moment to exchange in wordless conversation as best friends did. Suddenly, Jimin considered the possibility that she was purposefully avoiding his gaze. The thought scared him half to death. If he didn't have her at his side, he had nothing. 

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