meme 2

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*morty is at the kitchen eating a sandwich*

Mewberty star and birthday mabel: MORTY WE'ER THIRSTY.

Evil morty: I sould hope so you two have been playing around in the house for 9 hours.

Mewberty star and birthday mabel: yeaaaaaaaaah.

Evil morty: ... how would you two like a delicious, chocolatey glass of circletine.

Mewberty star and birthday mabel: CIRCLETINE. *star gets a cup and throws it*

Evil morty: get the mike and vinegar. *Star gets the mike and mabel gets the vinegar*

Frisk genocide: *frisk comes in* hey gang.

Evil morty: CIRCLETINE. *he gets a cup and throws it to frisk. Frisk gets out of the room* mix it together girls *Star and mabel mix it together and made a mess in the kitchen* it's ready. mabel go tell wirt.

Birthday mabel: *she hides behind wirt* CIRCLETINE.

Beast wirt: ahhhhhhhhhhhh
*screams like a little kid*

Paloma: Anyways remember guys ask and dare in the comments and I will write them next bye.

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