it time for them to go home or is it

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Evelyn: *Evelyn went to my room to tell me it was time*  hey paloma has it been a month now.

Paloma: oh yeah I forgot about that lets go tell bipper that you guys can go home *right before me and her were going to tell bipper I look at her and she had a worry face* hey you look worry what's wrong.

Evelyn: it just I'm worry about you.

Paloma: Of me why.

Evelyn: well I know you haven't told about nightmare.

Paloma: *those horrible memories came to me* please I don't want to talk about it.

Evelyn: I know but what if-

Paloma: I'm sorry Evelyn but I have to say no.

Evelyn: but I can hel-

Paloma: NO it's to late for that besides been 7 years and I'm still alive.

Evelyn: Yes but your suffering.

Paloma: So I'll be fine.

Evelyn: just please let me help you.

Paloma: I said NO. If you help me you well end up like me. so don't help me it's for your own good.

Evelyn: Look I know you want me safe but we can do this.

Paloma: Evelyn please stop your only making it worse.

Evelyn: what about Deanna she always was counting on you.

Paloma: *I snapped when she said  that name and my anger got out of control and I yell at her* DON'T YOU GET IT NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO IT WON'T WORK SHE WELL ALWAYS BE THERE IN MY SHADOW IN MY DREAMS EVERYWHERE I GO NIGHTMARE WELL BE THERE OH AND ABOUT DEANNA DON'T YOU DARE SAY HER NAME. SHE DIE MANY YEARS AGO AND YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT. *evelyn was scared of me she started to cry*

Evelyn: paloma please calm down your eye is changing

Paloma: *I realized I felt something in my right eye and I want to look myself in the mirror. My right eye was all black and black tears came out* no not again.

???: hahahaha i love seeing you suffer.

Paloma: no please go away.

Evelyn: Paloma are you okay.

Paloma: leave now.

Evelyn: But.

Paloma: I said LEAVE.

Evelyn: *Evelyn left my room and saw ice Finn in front of the door*

Ice Finn: is everything ok I heard paloma yell.

Evelyn: Oh everything is okay she just trip and fall in floor don't worry. *she fake smile and went to see the others what were they doing*

Ice Finn: (Something is not right maybe I should check on paloma later)

Paloma: *I was thinking about my past when I was a little girl. A few minutes later my right eye was back to normal into dark then I started crying and someone was knocking on my door* w-who is it.

Ice Finn: Paloma it's me Finn can I come in.

Paloma: yeah come in *I wipe my tears off of my face and Finn came in my room*

Ice Finn: Paloma are you okay I heard you yelling.

Paloma: Yeah I'm fine don't worry.

Ice Finn: Paloma don't lie to me I can tell that you and Evelyn had a argue why. Please tell your my sister and brothers and sisters always tell what's going on.

Paloma: Okay I'll tell you but please promise me that you won't tell no one.

Ice Finn: I promise *I tell him what happened about me and Evelyn and about my past* Paloma I'm sorry. I know you don't want me to help you but if you need help please tell me.

Paloma: thank you Finn for understanding.

Ice Finn: your welcome *he hug me and I hug him back* also you need to apologize to Evelyn.

Paloma: I know.

Bipper: YOU GUYS IT'S TIME. *everyone went to the living room and bipper open a portal* well it's time to say goodbye.

Mabel: yeah home I'm coming. *Mabel ran to the portal and the portal closed and Mabel ran into the wall* ow what happened.

Bipper: oh yeah I forgot.

Paloma: forgot about what.

Bipper: well a few days ago I invited a old friend to help me with something and he can't go back.

Paloma: And how long well this take.

Bipper: another month.

Paloma: and who is this friend.

???: that would be me cutie. *we all heard a voice and we turn around and it was Marcos enemy tom*

Demon marco: what the hell is he doing here.

Tom: oh hey marco so this is where you live.

Demon marco: please don't tell me he is going to stay here.

Paloma: Well since he has no were to go he is gonna have to stay here for a month.

Demon marco: oh fuck my life.

Tom: oh come on marco we can be great friends right.

Demon marco: fuck off Tom.

Paloma: Marco calm down your acting like a teenage daughter.

Tom: yeah your cute friend has a point.


Tom: aww I'm I stealing your girlfriend.

Paloma and demon marco: *blushing* we're just friends.

Tom: ok if your friends you don't mind if I kiss here right marco.


Tom: or what your going to kill me.

Demon marco: yes.

Tom: I like to see you try.

Paloma: ok that's enough. We're gonna have to give a room for Tom.

Tom: hey cutie you don't mind if I stay in your room and shere beds with you.

Demon marco: that's it. *marco and Tom stated fighting*

Paloma: Finn can you please freeze them.

Ice Finn: sure *Finn used he's powers and freeze Tom and marco* there done.

Paloma: Thanks Finn now to separated these two. Anyways guys remember ask and dare in the comments and I well write them next time bye.

Ice Finn: bye everyone.

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