ask 74

164 7 1

Claudia876069 ask: so what do you guys think about that seeing of what was yoai and yuri.

Beast wirt: no I am not a fucking perv.

Bipper: *his noise bleeds* I think it's really good.

Ice Finn: no thanks I'm not that kind of person who watch that.

Demon Marco: *his noise bleeds and he doesn't notice* no I don't like it.

Paloma: Your lying.

Demon Marco: no I'm not.

Paloma: your noise is bleeding.

Demon Marco: *he touches his nose* oh god ok ok I did like it but I'm never watch that again.

Mewberty star: two boys fucking each other isn't that bad.

Evil morty: I'm going to go watch some yoai and yuri.

Frisk genocide: in the first place I did like it but not anymore.

Birthday mabel: *her noise bleeds* I'm going to ship some boys and girls now.

Steven diamond: it was ok first but not anymore.

Paloma: Anyways remember guys ask and dare in the comments and I write them next time bye.

Beast wirt: see y'all soon.

Bipper: farewell humans.

Ice Finn: goodbye guys.

Demon Marco: see you guys later.

Mewberty star: bye bye.

Evil morty: later.

Frisk genocide: see yea.

Birthday mabel: byyyyyyyyyye.

Steven diamond: later guys.

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