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Paloma: hey everyone before we start I just want to say I have tiktok and you can join me and follow me if you like. My profile is Palomawolf123. Well that it let's get started.

Umbreon05: bipper, what do you think about Will from reverse fall.

Bipper: oh my brother I haven't seen him a few years now. I miss how I when I missing around with him. Sometimes he can be a little bicth I mean he's a cry baby I can't handle him. But sometimes I do care for him. Sometimes I can be good with him. Also I like to make him angry. When he's pissed off he acts like a little pissed off kid who is screaming around the house.

Will: I do not.

Bipper: yes you do. Remember the time I call mom a big fat stupid bitch. Well guess what she is still a bitch.

Will: don't call mom a bitch Bill.

Bipper: mom is a big fat stupid bitch.

Will: don't say it Bill.

Bipper: 🎶weeeeeeel-🎶

Will: don't do it Bill.

Bipper: 🎶weeeeeeel-🎶

Will: I'm warning you.

Bipper: ok ok. *he leaves*

Will: I'm getting pretty sick of him calling my mom a- *bipper comes back*

Bipper: 🎶weeeeeeel, my mom a bitch, she's a big fat bitch! She's the biggest bitch in the whole, wide  world! She's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch. She's a bitch to all the boys and girls🎶!


Bipper: 🎶on Monday, she's a bitch, on Tuesday, she's a bitch, and Wednesday through Saturday, she's a bitch! And on Sunday, just to be different, she's a super, king, kamehameha BIOTCH🎶. Come on you all know the words!

Everyone except will: 🎶have you ever met my friend, bipper's mom? She's the biggest bitch in the whole, wide world! She's a mean, ol' bitch, and she has stupid hair! She's a bi- bi- bi- bi- bi- BITCH! Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, she's a stupid bitch woo! Bipper's mom's a bitch! Yeah, she's such a dirty bitch! BITCH! Have you ever met my friends bipper's mom? She's the biggest bitch in the whole, wide world! She's a mean, ol' bitch, she's has stupid hair, she's a bi- bi- bi- bi- bi- bi-  BITCH! Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.🎶 *gasp. Everyone gasped except bipper because bipper's mom was behind bipper*

Bipper: 🎶she's a stupid bitch!🎶

Will: 😰uh bill.

Bipper: 🎶my mom a bitch! Yeah she's is such a dirty bitch! I really mean it! My mom SHE'S A BIG, FAT, FUCKIN' BIIIIIIIIIIITCH! A big, ol', fat fuckin' bitch! My mooooom yeah.🎶 *everyone stood they're quiet* what. *he turns around and sees his mom* ...oh fuck.

Bipper's mom: excuse me kids well you mind me and my son for just the moment. *everyone nods and bipper's mom and bipper disappeared*

Mewberty star: we'll he's fucked.

Will: I warned him.

Paloma: Anyways remember guys ask and dare in the comments and I well write them next time bye.

Will: bye.

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