dare 20

111 1 1

Umbreon05: I dare for everyone to watch the worst kind of torture... my little pony.

Paloma: Ok we are go to react a video today so let's get start.

Evil morty: do we have to watch this.

Paloma: Yes it's a dare. *paloma starts the video*

Bipper: my little pony? Seriously its only for babies.

Paloma: we have to watch it. It's a dare.

Ice finn: there's a worning here, oh dear lord.

Red leader tord: this is gonna be boring as hell.

Mewberty star: they look happy to me.

Frisk genocide: they seem happy, so what's with the warning?

Evil morty: okay can now I get the fu- what the fuck.

Demon Marco: what the.

Bipper: oh yeah that's what I'm talking about.

Beast wirt: oh god who made this video.

Ice finn: Ok let me get this straight. A pink pony likes to make every pony smile, but it doesn't mean she should make them smile... like that I mean who does that.

Birthday Mabel: I wanna stop watching this.

Red leader tord: I love this pony she's killing it.

Steven diamond: wait what happen.

Demon Marco: ok that blue pony just beat the shit out of that pink pony.

Evil morty: oh my god, that stupid blue pony beat her up.

Paloma: ok why are looking inside of her ear.

Ice finn: what's happening in her ear

Beast wirt: oh I know what's happening. She fucking mad now.

Bipper: oh hell yeah that's right she's alive.

Demon Marco: oh god holy hell.

Birthday Mabel: run flutter shy run.

Evil morty: oh hell yeah I'm loving this.

Steven diamond: why I'm I even watching this.

Paloma: Wait what's happening to the last pony she killed.

Bipper: what.

Demon Marco: oh my god that strawberry ice cream cone pony is beating that pink pony.

Beast wirt: oh god she's good.

Evil morty: oh my god I thought that pink pony will lose but I was wrong fuck that yellow pony.

Demon Marco: r.i.p strawberry ice cream cone pony.

Birthday Mabel: noooo she dead.

Paloma: and she blew up the world. We that's about it. Anyways remember guys ask and dare in the comments and I well write them next time bye.

Beast wirt: see y'all soon.

Bipper: farewell humans.

Ice finn: goodbye guys.

Demon Marco: see you guys later.

Mewberty star: bye bye.

Evil morty: later.

Frisk genocide: see yea.

Birthday Mabel: byyyyyyyyyye.

Steven diamond: later guys.

Red leader tord: bye everyone.

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