dare 18

103 1 2

Umbreon05: I dare star, paloma and, Mabel to have a contest on who can eat the most sugar.

*The girls get each one bowl of sugar. Who ever finish it first wins*

Mewberty star: alright 3..2..1 GO. *the girls I started eating the bowls of sugar. The 5 year old Paloma gave up so easily so she lost*

5 year old Paloma: ugh I gave up. You girls go on with out me. *star and, Mabel were about to finish there bowl but, star was full she couldn't continue*

Mewberty star: I can't go on...ugh. *Mabel finish her bowl*

Birthday Mabel: yay I won. I AM THE QUEEN OF SUGAR.

5 year old Paloma: Congratulations Mabel.

Mewberty star: I knew she would win but it's was kinda fun.

Birthday Mabel: Yeah. Anyways remember guys ask and dare in the comments and I well write them next time byyyyyyyyyye.

5 year old Paloma: Bye.

Mewberty star: bye bye.

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