C H A P T E R 4

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Natalia as Megan Fox
River as Taylor Lautner
Jane as Gal Gadot
Lindsey as Madelaine Petsch
Camille as Emily VanCamp

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong," I sighed. Looking at my digital clock I saw the time to be 8 am. Groaning I get up and to answer the screaming door.

Throwing it open I snap, "What!?"

Jane shrinks back and I look at her my eye twitching in frustration, "Umm. River, he, He- well we were gonna go out for c-coffee."

I looked her up and down then leaned up against the door frame, "and that's why you have been ringing the door bell, for the past five minutes?"

She nods her head.

I turn around, "River, you are going to pay!" I stomped up the stairs and throw open River's door ready to beat him to a pulp, but lucky for him his bed was empty.

I stomped back down stairs to find Jane sitting on the couch, "he's not here. Must've forgot or something I don't know."

"Are you sure?"

I nod my head.

"Go take a look if you want, I'm going back to sleep," I tread my way up the stairs and back into my room collapsing on my soft plush mattresses.

My eyes flutter open and close until they are fully closed and I'm out, only to be woken yet again by the screaming door. In return I scream back at it and stoped my way back down the stairs throwing open the door once more, "What the fuck do you want!?"

"I came to talk to you, but see now is not a good-" I slammed the door in his face.

Why the fuck does everyone have to ruin my morning? I groan and walk to the kitchen since clearly I will not be going back to sleep any time soon. Sitting at the kitchen island I put my head on the cool marble surface.

"Bad morning?"

I jump ten feet in the air at the sound of another voice. Putting my hand to my heart I look at Jane.

"Are you trying to give me heart attack? God, I thought you left."

She shook her head and gave me an apologetic look, "Sorry, but I don't drive," she gave a half smile.

"Right, guess you're stuck with me until River shows. I like my eggs over easy and my bacon extra crispy," with that I get up and go to my room.

After taking a shower and getting dressed for the day I come back down the stairs to the smell of, bacon? I walk into the kitchen to see Jane with two plates of food. She looks up, "over easy right?"

I nod my head and sit across from her and she slides me a plate, "You're not trying to poison me for screwing with you, are you?"

She laughed an angelic sound. Music to my ears, "No Natalia, I am in fact not trying to kill you. Yet anyways."

I squinted my eyes at her. Shrugging I take a strip of bacon and plop it in my mouth. Deciding it was not in fact poisoned, I gulped down the rest in a matter of ten minutes.

"So," I spoke at last, "did you want me to take you home or," I trailed off.

"I'll wait for River."

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