C H A P T E R 24

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I starred down at my wrist that she has a hold on. Her eyes hold mine in a serious manner. For a second it was just the two of us.

Jane is the one to break the trance. She had looked down at our drinks that had spilt and been soaked into the sand. Bending down she pics up the two cups and then looks back up at me with a smile.

Why was she being so nice to me? Me of all people. I've toyed with her feeling, and emotions, I've been pure rotten. I admit that, "let's go. People are starting to give us deaths glares for blocking the weak way," she laughed and started walk past me.

I starred after at her for a second. I wanted to ask her why she was being so nice to me, but I didn't. Instead I followed after her down the side walk as she looked for a trash an to throw away the disgusted drinks, "let's have a spa day," I suggested pulling ideas out of the air.

"Spa day?" She questioned.

I nodded my head, "Let's get our nails and toes done and maybe a facial. I could go for a wax."

She stares at me as I spoke," I don't know about all that."

I rolled my eyes, "do. Let me get an Uber. I only ever go to one nail and spa. They're the fucking bomb." I pulled out my phone and opened the Uber app.

"I've never gotten my nails done," she looked down at the ground as I looked up from typing.

"Really?" She nods her head. That's when I realize I've known her for years, but I don't really know her. I don't know the real Jane. Heck I don't know Jane in general.

I finished ordering the Uber, "they'll pick us up at the Starbucks, we should start heading back in that direction," she nodded her head, "how come I don't know anything about you? We've known each other for years, yet I barely know you," I voiced my thought. They've really began to bug me.

She shrugged, "you've never really asked."

I shook my head, "But one would've thought that I'd pick somethings up about you. Like your favorite color or food."

She laughed, "Well my favorite color is red and my favorite food is French fries from McDonald's." we stop walking, "as for why you know nothing about me, maybe you should ask yourself." she stares straight ahead and continues walking.

We walk in silence. Am I the problem? It couldn't possibly be. I refuse to believe it.

"So I'm as self conceited as everyone thinks?" I suddenly speak.

We stop at a cross walk waiting for the light to say we can cross the busy street. Jane looks down at me blocking the sun from her eyes, "I-I didn't say that."

"I know; but I'm asking. I know nothing about you because I'm too self absorbed."

She immediately shakes her head, "no that's not at all the direction I was going in!"

The walking person flashes on the side of the cross walk, "you're not denying it," we began to cross the street.

"Natalia your not self absorbed! I mean you are but-"

I jokingly gasp, "wow. There it is." I kind of quicken my pace.

"Let me finish! I mean you're self absorbed to protect yourself. Your mother is a piece of work, she's the one to blame."

I take in her words. It's true. she is the one to blame for the way I'm turning out. Her perfect little prodigy turning against her. Who would've thunk it?


We both got out the car and thanked the drive, "wow that's a huge salon?" We stood back to admire the outside of the salon. I nodded my head.

Bad boys sister (gxg) ( UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now