C H A P T E R 10

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"Ding dong," I sighed at the sound of the door bell.

Looking up and behind me I glanced over at the door as I waited for another ring of the door bell, before Finally getting up. I trudged to the door and threw it open ready to snap at whoever was at the door.

I really hated answering the darn thing.

"At last you opened the bloody door!" The blood drained from my face, "I swear Natalia, you are a bit slow."

"I-I'm sorry." my head immediately bowed.

The woman shook her head, "Hurry and grab my bags," she pointed behind her and took off her leather gloves holding them in one hand.

I'm quick to do as she says, rolling in her bag after her. She pushed her sunglasses to her head and her purse laid in the crook of her elbow.

"Where do you want your bags?" I asked in a voice not audible above a whisper.

"My room of course." She stands looking around. Observing.

Her floral perfumes mixed with the new leather of her pants and bag overwhelmed my senses as I rolled her bags up the stairs and into the master bedroom. It did not help that there were two flights of stairs between me and the bedroom.

"Natalia hurry along!" She yelled at me from downstairs.

I attempted to quicken my pace, "Coming!" I push her bags to the top of her floor.

Assuming that's good enough, I made my way back downstairs to find the woman I call mother in the kitchen.

"Nice to see you, daughter."

I bow my head in acknowledgment, "as for you mother."

She smiled at me flashing her perfect pearly whites, "the house seems to have gotten smaller," she looked around as I shook my head.

"No, just as you left it ma'am."

She continues to look around.

"Hum, the kitchen is to small for my liking. I'm going to talk to your father about expanding, and renovating this place."

I shook my head, "But it's just me and River here. It's fine!"

She turned to me and held up a finger.

"It's River and I, don't tell me what to do. I own this house and you!" She waved her perfectly polished finger in my face and I hung my head.

"Yes ma'am."

She nods her head.

"That's more like it, now I'm a bit jet lagged. I'm going up to my room. I'll be up by eight am sharp tomorrow and I suggested you be down here also," with one last look around she turned and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs her heels hitting the wooden floor with each step making a clanking noise.

I frowned and pulled out my phone.

Me Now
Wtf River why didn't you tell me mother was coming back from Greece?!

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