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"Natalia I just got back into the country. Can't you just stay in for one night?"

I shake my head, "This is the only time I can do this, I'm sorry I promise we'll have breakfast, lunch, and dinner together tomorrow," I grab my keys from off the hook.

"Fine whatever. Can you at least tell me where your going?"

"Bye River I'll see you in the morning," I walked out the door and to my car. I couldn't tell him that I was planning on seducing one of his friend. Hopping in my car I started the engine and took off towards my destination.

Aron's parents are out fo town until Friday. He has the house all to himself. Today is the only day that I can test my theory. Tomorrow the guys have football practice basically all night and they have another game Friday.

I pull into Aron's garage ten minutes later. He greets me at my door opening it for me, "I can't believe you actually came."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course I came," I hopped out my car and he shut the door behind me, then lead me inside.

"Follow me upstairs."

I did as told. We went to his room. To say I'm surprised at how cool his room is, is an understatement. My mouth fell open as I noticed the cool interior.

"That's it. I'm upgrading my room," I ran my hand against his silk black sheets as we went inside.

"This is impressing to you? I think it's pretty plain."

I shake my head and turn to face him, "If this is plain I don't want to see your version of extravagant."

He chuckled and came closer. I didn't back up. This is exactly what I want. I want for him to make a move.

"Why, after all this time did you finally decide to give in?"

I shrugged, "You pointed out my flaw by calling me a hypocrite, and yet you still continued to flirt with me. Guess I was just drawn in by you telling me the truth about myself."

He smirked, "Man, if I had know all I had to do was tell the truth, I would have called you a hypocrite a long time ago."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm here now though."

He closed the gap between us, "That you are," he put his hand on my cheek and I leaned into it. Nothing. That's what I felt when he touched me. Absolutely nothing.

Aron leaned in and kissed me. I leaned into the kiss pressing it to go further. His hands drop down to my waist and mine link around his neck. Is this wrong? It's feels wrong.

I can't go through with it. Before I had could pull away Aron pulled away shaking his head, "This doesn't feel right, your not actually into me."

I shake my head. He read me so easily. I didn't know what to say, so instead of saying anything I left.


"Natalia your actually here?" I nod my head as River comes down the stairs. I sit on the couch with a box of donuts.

"Of course I'm here your stuck with me for today. I know I told you I'd have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with you."

He smiles, "And you actually kept the promise," he points to the box of donuts sitting on the coffee table.

"I never break my promise."

"I guess today is my cheat day," he walks around the couch and grabs the box of donuts.

"The freshman 15 might catch you if you aren't careful." I laugh.

He flex an arm his mouth full of donut, "I think I'm good."

I roll my eyes, "Don't choke," I stand up.

"Why are you up this early?"

I shrug, "Early bird gets the worm? I'm gonna go get dressed for school. Today's outfit is extra extravagant," I walk towards the stairs.

"Are you gonna give the girls something to copy?"

"You know it," I ran up the stairs and to my room.

It's six and I have two hours before I need to leave, so I have enough time for a shower. Walking into my bathroom I start the water. While the water runs I take the time to apply a mud mask. After applying a think coat I hop into the hot water and start my routine.

The last thing I do before hopping out is wipe off the face mask. Getting out of the shower I wrap my hair and body in my fluffy white towels then walk to my walk in closet.

I pull out my outfit and walk back out to dry my body. After getting dressed I blow dry my hair and style it in long curls. For my face I put on light foundation, mustard yellow eyeshadow, mascara, and some highlight.

I check my look in the mirror

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I check my look in the mirror. Deciding I like it I loom at my phone. The time now reads 7:43. With time to spare I grab my backpack, keys, and phone and walk out the door.

Before stopping at school I pulled into the Starbucks drive thru.

"Welcome to Starbucks what can I get you today?"

"Hi, um can I get a venti dragonfruit refresher, light ice, add strawberry infusion, substitute the water for apple juice, and a scoop of strawberries," I sometimes feel bad for the employees. My drinks are always a hand full.

"Yes ma'am. Is that all for you today?"

I nod my head, "yes."

"Pull up to the first window," I do as said and pull up. I pay for the drink, and after getting it I drive off towards school.


For lunch I went off campus and ordered ten pizzas of all kind. When back on capus I walk outside to where my gang usually sits.

"Don't tell us. Your not sitting with us again," Lindsey rolls her eyes at me.

"No, but to make up for it I bought pizza," Sam takes the two boxes.

"I'll accept this peace offering," Sam said opening the box.

"I know you will Sam, but I'll sit with y'all tomorrow I promise," Lindsey waves me off and grabs a piece of pineapple pizza. I hate the stuff but I know they like it so I got them a box.

I walk away from the group and to where I thought Jane would be, but she's not there. I set the pizzas down and beyond digs in. I stand still looking around for her.

As everyone digs in my eyes wonder to the end of the table where Jane usually sits, "has anyone seen Jane today?" I ask the group as they began to gorge themselves on pizza.

"She wasn't here yesterday either. Maybe she's sick," a girl with long burgundy hair speaks up.

"she wasn't? Are you sure?" The girl nods her head and goes to grab another slice of pizza.

I get up and go to the library just to check and make sure she wasn't there. Nope. I check every isle of books and every study room. No Jane. I check the locker rooms and every bathroom in the school before I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. No answer.

Why wasn't she answering?

I called her three more times before I call River, "have you talked to Jane today?"

"No. I haven't talked to her in a ew days. I've been busy with school."

I nod my head looking around the empty hallways. Where is she?

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