C H A P T E R 19

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Jaleena marveled at the attention she's getting from all the girls I hadn't seen since school let out. I rolled my eyes at the group founding over our dresses. My eyes somehow managed to find their way to Jane out of boredom. She is starring off at my brother and his girlfriend.

I shook my head. Leaving Jaleena's side I walk over to Jane, "still longing after my brother are we?"

She scoffed, "just the opposite actually."

I gave her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, nothing, nothing," She smiles a toothless smile.

I squint my eyes down at her, "Ok weirdo," the song comes to a stop and a different slow song starts to play.

"Talia you owe Jane a dance!" My brother waltz over with Camille.

"I do?"

"You do," He pushes Jane towards me and on to the dance floor.

We're automatically welcomed into the crowd. Janes face flushed red and she looked everywhere, but at me. I smirked at the effect I seem to bestowed on her.

The minutes drag on and the three minute song seems to last forever and a day, but I couldn't help liking it. Her hand fit perfectly in mine like it was meant to be placed in my hand and my hand only. I glanced down at her she starred up at me. As if staring into my eyes would give her the ability to read my thoughts. That that'd I'd care if she did. I have nothing to hide.

The song finally ended. For a moment we didn't notice, but we stopped dancing just starring at each other. Until finally we split.

"Babe, do I get a dance?" I nodded my head eyes still locked with Jane.

"Of course love," I whispered. Jaleena replaces Jane. She places her hand in mine and it didn't fit.

It was awkward and dull. Painfully dull. The spark. It-it diminished. What happened? Where did it go? Will it come back? Does this mean she isn't the one that's been making me happy all this time?

"What was that?" She whispered close to my ear.

"What was what?"

"That dance. You basically left me for her."

I rolled my eyes, "Jealousy doesn't look good on you babe, but if you bothered asking those girls over there. The ones lavishing you in compliments with their boy toys flirting with you. You know? The ones that stole your attention? Yeah well they don't like me. They did it on purpose, but of course you wouldn't know you don't go to our school. You didn't even bother asking," I shook my head and let her go walking out of the ball room and to bathroom Mid dance.

I couldn't deal. I couldn't handle this. I didn't even want to be here! I leaned up against the sink taking a deep breath. I close my eyes letting the sink hold me up.

The bathroom door opens and shuts, "what's your problem?"

I look in the mirror to see Jaleena standing behind me, "what?"

"One second Your in love with me, I'm the light of your entire world and the next your throwing me away? Discarding me to the side like a piece of garbage?" She crosses her arms over her chest, "you know what Natalia, if you gave me as much attention as you give her, maybe I would have noticed. Maybe I would have even asked, but I know that's not what this is about."

"I give you all my attention! All my time! I've devoted this last month to you! I don't know what else more you want from me. And what do you even mean, "that's not what this is about"?"

She scoffs, "Natalia I'm not stupid. I knew from the very beginning that you weren't really into me as I was into you! She was the problem in the equation the entire time!"

Bad boys sister (gxg) ( UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now