C H A P T E R 36

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"River I don't want to be out here," I grumbled under my breathe and leaned against the fence.

My brother looked up at me from on the field, "It's their first game. Just stick around please."

I crossed my arms and nodded my head.

It's a sticky hot Friday afternoon an here I am sitting in bleachers with the  sun beating over head. Our schools football team is on the field getting ready for the first game of the season.

River of course dragged me out her an hour before the start of the game just so I could watch. I abided, because I knew my brothers love for the game. How he'd be on the field as a coach if our parents hadn't already decided our future for us.

Leaning over the fence of I put my hand on my forehead to block the sun.

My free hand fans me. I wore the lightest of clothes. A white mini skirt, our school shirt, and white high top converse. I'm not thinking the converse were not the best idea. My feet were heating up.

"Natalia, you look good in this lightning, but you'd look even better in my bed," Aron walks up to the fence

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"Natalia, you look good in this lightning, but you'd look even better in my bed," Aron walks up to the fence. I roll my eyes. He hasn't given me any trouble in a while.

"Fuck off."

He winks at me, "Is that an offer I hear?"

"No it's me telling you that I'm not interested!" I threw my hands up and turned around to walk away. From on the field he reached up and grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't walk away from me. I'm just playing."

I pull my arm away from him and take my place sitting on the bleacher.

"Don't you have a team to practice with?" Just as I finished speaking the coach yelled at him to get back over there. I snickered and watched him run away.

I turn around to see my friends walking down the stairs towards me. I smiled over at them, "What are you doing here?"

Lindsey lead the group down, "Like we'd miss the first game of the season," Lindsey humphed and took off her hat fanning herself With it, "although I am regretting my choice,"

Jonna slapped her arm, "She's kidding of course. We wouldn't miss our favorite football team, play their first game." I rolled my eyes.

"Do you even know who we're playing against?" they scanned the crowd trying to get a hint.

"Of course not. Where's Sam?"

"Getting ready for the after party. It's at his place by the way," Lindsey informed me.

"I won't be able to make it. River leaves at midnight. He's going to Paris to meet with my parents and his girlfriend. He won't be back till Wednesday," they all looked at me.

"Why all the business meetings?"

I shrugged, " I guess they're getting ready to pass down the family business to him. In like four years. They have to start prepping now."

"Family business? You mean they're giving him the entire pharmaceutical company? Isn't that company worth a few billion?" Jonna asked.

I nodded my head, "I don't know the exact details. But my parents will give him the majority of the business and keep like 15% for them. " I shrug it's no big deal.

River comes to the fence ushering me over.

"Talia. Do me a favor. Go to my car and grab the duffle bag in the back."

I plug my nose as he talks, "yeah, anything to get away from you. You reek brother."

He rolls his eyes. Of course he would stink he's he's been out here with a bunch of sweaty guys for the past five hours, and it's like a hundred degrees out, he's definitely all sweaty.

"Go get me the bag. My car keys are in my locker in the boys locker room. It should be empty."

I nod my head and turn around, "I'll be right back," I tell the girls before leaving the bleachers and making my way to the locker room.

I peeked my head inside before walking fully in. Just as River had said the rooms empty. His locker is clearly marked with his old number and the old streamers from last year still surrounding his locker. I guess they let him keep his locker. Rolling my eyes I yank on the lock. It's locked and doesn't budge.

I put in the code and yank on it again. This time it budges. His keys sit at the top of his locker. Grabbing them I lock the locker. Before I had time to turn around I hear the door to the locker room swing open, "what are you doing in here?" Aron.

I faced him, "grabbing River's keys. Aren't you supposed to be practicing or something?" I swung the keys around on my pointing finger.

"If you must know sweet cheeks, the coach sent me in here to grab the water bottles," he pointed to the bottle in the orange holder. He set his helmet that he held on the bench next to the waters and pulled off his shoulder padding's to reveal his six pack.

I would have drooled at the sight, but the sweat smell made me gag, so I pinched my nose, "ew. You reek," I started to walk past him, but he grabbed my wrist.

Why must he always try and stop me from leaving?

"Don't act like you don't love my body," he pulled me back to my original spot then flexed.

"Only if your body wasn't attached to you," I pouted out my lip, "now if you'll excuse me," he blocked my path.

"Come on Natalia don't be so harsh," I rolled my eyes.

"Aron move."

"Why? Do you have somewhere to be?" I squinted my eyes at him in frustration, "ok ok fine," he moved out my way.

"Thank you," I moved and walked past him only for him to grab me and throw me over his shoulder.

"Aron put me down!" He held me with one hand and tickled my stomach with the other.

"I don't wanna," he said and stopped tickling me. I stopped laughing and kicked my legs.

"Aron!" I shouted at him to put me down once more.

He only put me down when the locker room door opened once more, "River asked me to check and see what was taking so long," Jane. She stood at the door not walking fully in. I stood behind Aron. He just nodded his head and grabbed his stuff walking out.

She stood staring at me. I pulled down my skirt and walked over to her. She opened her mouth to speak, but I didn't let her get a word out beating her to the chase, "be a doll and go get Rivers duffel bag out his car," I held the keys in front of her face then dropped them.

Without another word I walk the locker room.

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