C H A P T E R 13

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"Natalia I swear."

I sighed, "Lindsey, chill."

"Don't tell me to chill! Your the one who-"

I hung up on her for the second time. Jaleena put her hand over her mouth stifling a laugh.

"Don't be so mean, ice queen."

I smirked.

"I'm only mean in-" I was cut off by the phone ringing yet again. I groaned.

"Stop hanging up on me bitch!" Lindsey yelled.

"What do you want?" I questioned.

"Just come to the beach today ok? We miss you."

I rolled my eyes. They just wanna know who's got all my attention, "Ok fine whatever."

She cheered, "Ok noon. See yah!" She was the one who hung up. I threw my phone at the foot of the bed.

"Ok where was I?" I questioned looking at Jaleena.

"You were going on about something," in one swift move Jaleena was sitting in my lap straddling my waist with her hand linked behind my neck.

"Lucky for you I remember what that something was," I pushed her down on the bed and attacked her lips.

"Talia mom wants to know-" River stopped mid sentence and looked up.

"Mom wanted to know?" I questioned still on top of Jaleena.

He cleared his throat, "mom wanted to know if you had a date to her fundraising ball?"

I looked down, "I was getting to that."

"Was that before or after you slept with your new toy?" I picked up my phone which happened to be next to me and threw it at him. He managed to shut the door before it reached him. It sadly collided with the shit door instead of his face. I sat up.

"He has no fucking right to talk to you like that. I'm so sorry," I gave Jaleena an apologetic look.

She shook her head," it's ok, I know he doesn't like me."

I shook my head, "He's just an ass hole," I stood up, "you should come with me to the beach," I stood in front of her.

"I don't have a bathing suit."

I raised my eyebrows, "Who said you need a suit."

she smiled, "I said I need a suit,"

I rolled my eyes, "We can stop by your house to grab one," I fluttered my eyes.

"Of course I wanna go."

I smiled, "Let me throw on a suit and then we can leave," I went to my closet and threw on the first bathing suit I saw.

Grabbing my sunglasses and a bathing suit cover I walk out the closet. After shuffling around my room for a pair of flip flops I strip.

"Have I ever told you you look good in nothing," Jaleena comes up behind me and wraps her arms around my bare waist.

"Have I ever told you-" I stop mid sentence looking down at Jaleena's arms then at my stomach, "fuck!"

"You've said that many times."

I shook my head.

"No not that," I turned around and Jaleena let go of me. I pointed to the hickies that went down my stomach in a straight line, "this."

"Oh those. I forgot about them," Jaleena lifted up her shirt and had the same line, "why did we do this again?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

Bad boys sister (gxg) ( UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now