C H A P T E R 29

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Everyone met up outside the arcade. The football players brought their girlfriends so there's quite a bit of us. We all walked inside; Jane gravitates towards Camille and her group while I walked in the back arms crossed.

The sound of games beeping, singing, and shooting drowned out all talking. River has to yell so we could hear him as he spoke, "lets play laser tag!" The group nods their heads.

I rolled my eyes and went in the opposite direction. I pulled out my arcade card that I'd save from the last trip and went to the claw machines. My specialty. I walk up to the huge claw machine and swipe my card.

River use to use me as chick bait whenever he would come with his girl toys. I'd win him the prize then he'd push me to the side saying look what he won. It always worked. I used to get so mad at him for it.

He only stopped when we I was fully comfortable with my sexuality and started hitting on the girls he'd bring. It'd turn into a competition that he didn't like to loose but I would always win.

I smiled and pick the bear I think would be easiest to win.

There's a blue penguin sitting face up. My smile widens as I move the claw left and right trying to position it before the time runs out. Getting it in the correct position I push the middle button letting it fall down. Just as predicted the claw successfully grabs the big plush penguin.

"Impressive," I hear a voice behind me and turn around.

"Thanks," I grab the penguin from the slot and hand it to her with a smile, "I don't have a thing for plushies. I just like to win them," Jane rolls her eyes and laughs.

"Of course you do," she took the penguin.

"I thought you were going to play laser tag with the others?"

She shook her head, "I'd rather not. The guys take the game so seriously."

I nod my head and laugh along with her. We walk away from the claw machines and towards the other games.

The arcade is pretty empty, but it is a weekday. Jane and I walk side by side not talking. For the first time ever, I have no clue what to say. Why don't I know what to say? Why am I. . . Speech less.

"Schools going to start soon," Jane speaks as we stop in front of a pin ball machine. I nod my head looking around at everything but her, "are you ready to go back?"

I shook my head, "hell no. Not now after everything that's happened. It's all just a big mess," I bent down to slide my card to start the machine. When the transaction is complete it roars to life. Balls are rolled down the slot and it's annoying song starts to play.

I pick up one of the balls and hand it Jane, "wanna play?" She nods her head and takes the ball. I stand behind her while she plays the game, admiring how graceful she is and how she scrunches her nose and smiles when she hits the higher amounts.

She finished playing the game and turned around no doubt to look for me, that's when I realized how close we are. From her taking a step back and turning around she unintentionally closes the gab between us then froze.

Why is this so foreign to me? Me of all people.

I smirked at her as shes looks up at my eyes. My eyes flickered from her lips to her eyes.
I knew what I wanted but I couldn't just take it. This time it's different.

Why is it different?

"It's not," she voices out loud. Am I speaking my thoughts out loud?

I must've not been thinking as I placed my lips gently on hers. She didn't protest as her lips moved in sync with mine. I loved the feeling.

Her lips are soft, and she taste like strawberries. Probably her chapstick that she non conspicuously puts on when she thinks no one is watching. I throw my thoughts to the side as I cup her cheeks wanting to feel the warmth from her blush. Her face heats up even more as I do so which makes me smirk against her lips.

"Natalia your brothers looking for you," I quickly pull away when I hear a voice call my name. I turn around to see Aron arms crossed and a mischief look on his face.

"Oh alright I'm coming," I put my head down and walk towards him. Damn, he's going to tell River.

"Your boning your brothers best friend. That's low Talia even for you," Aron whispers in my ear as we walk back to the group.

"Are you going to tell him?"

"No, but remember this when I ask for a favor."

I cursed under my breathe as we finally walked up to the group.

"Natalia, where were you?" River asks as we meet the group.

"Just playing games. Isn't that what we came here for?"

River raised his eye brows.

"I guess so. Just don't wonder off," I nodded my head. Jane comes trailing behind me. I couldn't look her in the eye, "I guess you discovered Talia talent?" He ushered to the big plushie she was carrying. Jane nods her head, "you should've told me you were off with Jane. I wouldn't have been as worried."

Only if he knew. Only if he knew that I just might be in love with his best friend. What would his reaction be then?

Short chapter next will be longer.

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