C H A P T E R 20

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"She hasn't called you?"

"No. I already said no!" I snapped at my parents. I couldn't help it. I'm worried about her.

"Don't snap at us young man we just asked you a question!" Mother snapped back.

I shook my head my banging my hands on the table. Both Camille and Jane jumped.

"Where could she be?! Why hasn't she called? She would've called by now. A day goes by without hearing from her after she disappeared from the ball I just thought she was hung over. But two days, something is wrong. She would've called," Camille put her hand on my shoulder in reassurance.

"Isn't this usual for Natalia though? Going off without a word?" Camille was making the situation worse and me angry.

"You know what Camille I think it's best you go home. I'll call you tomorrow with an update."

She looked taken back.

"Dear don't take what my son says to heart he's just stressing over Talia. Honey will you walk Camille out?" Dad comes to the rescue and mother does as asked. As soon as they're both out of ear shot my dads eyes narrow in on me, "okay you two talk. Where is Natalia at?"

"We don't know! You think I'd be siting here non the less tell you that Natalia hasn't been seen in the past 48 hours!" I lash out on my father.

"Okay calm down. Let's think about this logically. Have you called all her friends?"

I nod my head, "yes no one's seen her."

"Okay as our last option, your mother and I will go to the police station. I have a few buddies there. They can help us out and if we can't find her by tomorrow we will file a missing persons report." He sighs.

Mother walks back into, "we will do no such thing. We will not file a missing persons report just because Natalia miss placed herself. Do you know how bad that will look on us Patrick."

"What do you mean we won't file a report? Mother she's your daughter! Are you not worried about her?"

She rolls her eyes and pressed her thin red painted lips together, "Patrick honey," she doesn't address me. She never does but goes straight to my father grabbing his jacket and smoothing down his collar, "she's probably just on a binge. I didn't want to tell you, but I confiscated dugs off of her upon my arrival."

"You what?! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to worry you. I was looking into rehabs and was going to show you the pamphlets for Aton in San Diego," she moves around the ding room until she comes upon her bag that's sitting at the head of the table. She reaches inside and pulls out a pamphlet, "it's discreet. She will get the help she needs there."

"Natalia is not a drug addict!" I slam my hands down on the table yet again.

"She need help," my mother looks at father.

He had his head down like he was thinking, "if this gets out my entire company will be in shambles. They'll say she got the drugs from our pharmaceutical company." He sighs, "we find her secretly and quietly, then she goes to rehab."

Without another word he walks out the room with mother trailing behind him.

Jane and I stay sitting silently at the at the dining room table. I'm fuming.

"You have no idea where she'd be?" I look up at Jane who quietly sat watching me.

She fumbles with her fingers before speaking, "well the hotel is th only place I can think of."

"What hotel?"

"The one she rented for us to get ready in. Did she not tell you?"

He shakes his head.

"She rented the pent house suit. But I'm sure your parents would have noticed if it was running up their credit card bill."

I curse, "no they fucking wouldn't. They don't check their card statements. Especially hers."

Her eyes widen, "I'm sorry I didn't know."

I abruptly stand up, "let's go."

Jane gave me the directions to the hotel. We arrived quickly with my reckless driving. Getting out of the car after parking we went up to hotel room and knocked on the door. A fairly plump woman with red rosy cheeks opened the opened the door.

"Yes?" She asked curiously. I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture of Natalia.

"Have you seen this girl by any chance?"

"No I'm sorry I have not," with that she shut the door. I sighed.

"Let's go down stairs ask the front desk, maybe they know something," Jane nods her head.

We went downstairs and did exactly that, "I'm sorry sir we cannot release any information that sensitive."

I groaned and pulled out a hundred, "what about now. Let me just look at the security footage," he shook his head and I pulled out another hundred.

"I'm desperate. Please."

He sighed and swiped the money off the counter.

"Come with me," we followed him to the back a whole desk of surveillance footage was displayed, "the clips for past four days are in those boxes you have thirty minutes."

"Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me!"

Jane and I started to go through the footage.

"There we're walking," Jane pointed out on the screen.

"We're on the right track," we fast forwarded the video.

"There we are walking out," Jane voiced what she saw.

"She's walking in again! Following a girl!" I pointed out on the screen.

"Look at the elevator footage," Janes face flushed red. Looking on screen I saw why.

"I have never seen this girl before."

Jane shook her head.

"I have at your mothers party," I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders.

"They stop. Check the hall footage for that floor," we rushed over to the footage, "We found the room number, let's go," we rushed out the room.

Taking the elevator we got to the floor and followed the room numbers. Jane nocked twice. My hands sweat as we waited. Nothing. She nocked three more time louder. Nothing still.

The house keeper was rolling her car down the hall, "miss would you ever so kindly open the door for me?"

"I'm sorry. I cannot. Do not disturb sign." her Spanish accident clearly evident. I sighed and pulled out two hundreds.

"Please," I flashed the money. She looked at me sighed, and took the money opening the door.

Oh the power of money.

Jane and I walked into the hotel room. Liquors bottles, needles, and solo cups lined the floors. I sighed, Natalia what did you get yourself into.

"River, her dress," Jane grabbed my arm.

"Let's check the bed room," Jane nods her head.

We cautiously open the bed room door, "Natalia!" She lays spread across the bed covered by blankets, "Natalia!" I try to shake her awake. She don't move, "Talia?" Her skin is pale and breathing is shallow. I touch her skin and it's ice cold.

"Jane call 911."

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