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A year and some months later

"Class of 2020, you've made it!" Everyone cheers. We all stand in caps in gowns as the principal talks on stage, "ok now can I have two very special girls on stage? Your class valedictorian, and salutatorian!" Everyone roars as we walk on stage.

Jane leads as class valedictorian and I follow behind as salutatorian. The perfect couple.

"Hey everyone!" Jane greets the crowd as I find the familiar faces of my classmates, "Well we've finally made it!" Everyone cheers again. Sam stands with the beautiful little girl on his hips, "it's been a rough, couple of years, with lots of ups and downs. Twists and turns, but that's what has prepared us for the future. There is no going back now as we are released into the world," I look past the crowd of class mates and into the crowd of parents and siblings, "high school has prepared us for the world that is about come. It has also given us people who will venture forward with us," Jane looks over to me and I look at her. She holds her hand out and I take it in mine.

"I never thought I'd be up here as Salutatorian. If you would have told me a year ago I'd be up here, I probably would have laughed in your face," I task over the speech, "I was to obsessed with myself. Having the best clothes, being popular, and all that. Once I got my head out of my ass, pardon my language, I realized what I was capable of. And I owe most of it to Jane," I took off my cap and showed it to the crowd, "wherever she goes I will follow, because she is my light in a dark world."

Tears prick at her eyes as she hugs me, "one more thing," I say as Jane let's me go, "or should I say one more fit, before I leave," I take off my graduation gown

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Tears prick at her eyes as she hugs me, "one more thing," I say as Jane let's me go, "or should I say one more fit, before I leave," I take off my graduation gown.

Tears prick at her eyes as she hugs me, "one more thing," I say as Jane let's me go, "or should I say one more fit, before I leave," I take off my graduation gown

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The crowd goes wild. We walk back to our seats as we do, so I throw the cap and gown back on.

"You guys did great!" Lindsey whisper yells as names are being called to get their diplomas.

"I know eight!" A huge smile takes over my face and I grab Jane pulling her in for a hug, "Sam You have her!?" I ask as he comes over making people scoot down in seats.

"Yes," he points to the baby in the carrier. I bend down and coo at the ten month old.

"She's gorgeous!" Jane picks her up out of the carrier.

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