C H A P T E R 5

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Natalia as Megan Fox
River as Taylor Lautner
Jane as Gal Gadot
Lindsey as Madelaine Petsch
Camille as Emily VanCamp
Sam as Sean O'Donnell

I followed Natalia around like a lost puppy not knowing what to do. River had abandoned me and I most definitely did not want to go home- it just wasn't an option- so I had no other choice than to hang out with the ice queen herself.

I listened to their conversations feeling like a foreigner. I didn't belong in their world and I never would. So why would I try and fit in?

After the movie and lunch, We stopped at the beach, a full day of work. The time spent I will never get back. In internally groan.

Natalia looked over at me, "we have to change first, don't bother protesting you are getting in the water."

I didn't bother saying anything knowing no matter how hard I protest she would not listen to me, "oh and also we're changing in the car. The line for the changing rooms is too long."

My eyes widened.

She hops to the back seat and throws off her summer dress and it lands on my lap. I stiffen and look forward as she waves her hand telling me to give her, her bikini top. I hand her the red strings with padding that's called a top and also handed her the matching waist high bottoms that were covered in cherries or cherry since it was also strings.

She opens the back door and looks at me as I look at her fully dressed if that's what you would call it, "your turn."

I shake my head in protest, but I know fully well the queen gets what she wants. I hop to the back seat dreading having to wear a bikini. Natalia shuts the door, but before she shuts the door she throws the bathing suit at me I soon come to realize the bathing suit I am borrowing is a one piece. I stripped fully and pulled the one piece up. I hated it from the start.

There is a v in between the breast that is cut all the way down reaching my belly button. I sighed and got out of the car. Natalia stood to the right leaning up against the car on her phone. I cleared my throat.

"You look hot," she eyed me up and down I crossed my arms over my chest and blushed crimson. No way was she checking me out. She's just a making fun of me. yeah...

"Wait what's that?" she asks pointing at the inside of my thigh close to my heat.

I quickly put my hand over the thin lined scars, "nothing."

She shrugs and we start walking towards the beach.

I look down at the scars. I had almost forgotten about them.

Soon met up with a big crowd. Sadly it was an all eyes on me moment. I hated it. Shrinking down in their gaze. I pushed some strands of hair behind my ear and bit the inside of my cheek.

"Told you you're hot," Natalia whispers in my ear from behind me her hands on either sides of my waist.

"Is she still your brothers?" A guy I recognized as Sam asked.

I cringed. Visibly.

"If you see my brother tell him I'm stealing his girl," she winked from besides me and put her arm around my waist. My attempt to shrug her off back fired and she pulled my closer to her.

"Natalia leave the poor girl alone. She's straight remember," Jonna one of the sassier girls said.

"I can change that," Natalia smirked and I shivered. Why did her smirk make my knees go weak?

With this group I don't even bother standing up for myself. The thought of whatever I say back firing on me is just not something I want to happen. Or deal with. I just stay quiet. Natalia won't let anything happen to me, I think.

Do I trust her?

I trust her brother?

But they are two awfully separate people.

"Enough, guys stop touring the poor girl, let's just get in the water," Carly saves me.

Everyone soon forgot about me and started racing each other. Seeing who's the fasted to get to the big blue open sea. Even me due to the fact of Natalia having me by the wrist.

We all ran screaming. For no apparent reason. Well I had a reason. And a fear of the nasty waters ahead. As for the others? I doubt they even knew where they were.

The cold ocean water engulfed me as I was pulled further and further into the raging waters. Now I was kinda of freaking out. I do not come this far out. ever.

The water reaches my chest and Natalia and the others stopped walking.

"Let's play chicken!" someone yelled.

I actually nod my head. Maybe it would save me from the water. At least just a bit?

Natalia looked at me and took me by my hand, "let's play them."

Before I could agree she sunk down in the water and I was being picked up. Her hands grasped my thighs and I bobbled back and forth trying to stay up right. The game began and I laughed as everyone was being knocked of their partners and falling into the raging sea, water was being slashed in ever which way.

then At last there were three standing. Sam, Jonna, Carly, Libby, and us.

"What's the price if we win?" Jonna asked.

"How about a kiss," Sam proposed.

"From who?" Carly questioned.

"Who's the one person everyone here wants to kiss?" Natalia asked.

"Real question is who's the one person nobody here has kissed?" Jonna asked.

"Jane," a brief. Very brief pause as my eyes widen and my words began to splutter out my mouth, "it's settled then. Winner gets a kiss from Jane."

I could not splutter my words fast enough as I tripped over my Words as Natalia talked over me.

My eyes widen at Sam's proposal. Sure I've kissed people before, but like they said earlier I'm straight. At least I'm 90% percent sure I am.

"I've kissed her before, but I could play for another," Natalia spoke with a matter of fact tone.

The game was real this time. Carly and Libby being the first ones to go down. They didn't care to kiss me.

Natalia was out to win, and for that she did. For my sake also. With one last push Jonna went flailing into the cold blue sea, and I was sinking down. Natalia came up from the water inches from my face.

Water droplets fell down, and her eyelashes stuck together due to the clumps of water holding them together, "I'll take my prize now."

All eyes were indefinitely on us. Two movie star moments in one day? I should be hyperventilating right now. Instead I'm here, Making the first move I placed my lips on her and she did the rest, our lips soon moving in sync. The taste of salt water lingered on her plush soft lips.

Everyone wolf whistled and hollered as we pull back, oxygen filled my lungs and I became light headed.

What was this girl doing to me?

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